Hand-foot-and-mouth syndrome

The "hand-foot-mouth" syndrome is a complex of symptoms that are caused by a viral infection. The main symptoms are ulcers in the mouth and small grayish blisters on the feet and palms. The disease is transmitted by airborne or by contact. In most cases, it appears in the summer. Adults are less likely to suffer and the disease is easier to tolerate.

Symptoms of the disease

The "hand-foot-to-mouth" rash syndrome or enterovirus vesicular stomatitis has a short incubation period not exceeding ten days. From the patient you can get infected from the very beginning of the ailment, even before the appearance of the first symptoms. Skip the disease past attention will not give some pathology:

  1. Fever. The temperature rarely exceeds the 39-degree mark. Heat and excessive sweating are typical for most infectious diseases.
  2. In the hearths there is an unbearable itch.
  3. Intoxication, which manifests itself headache and muscle pain, a general weakness.
  4. Rash. It is considered the main symptom of the disease. Occurs after only a couple of days after the first signs. Ulcers occur throughout the entire area of ​​the oral mucosa.

The disease at first signs resembles ARVI. To establish an accurate diagnosis, a specialist appoints a series of tests that exclude the development of other ailments.

How to treat the "hand-foot-mouth" syndrome?

In most cases, the symptoms go unnoticed for the patients for seven days. Sometimes the disease makes itself felt, and you need to adhere to certain rules that allow the patient to quickly get on his feet. All treatment comes down to fighting the symptoms:

  1. A person should drink plenty of water.
  2. It is better to avoid food, which for the liver can create some discomfort. It is too salty, fried, hot, hot food.
  3. Antipyretic agents are used - Nurofen, Paracetamol and others.
  4. Rinse throat with disinfectants. To rub the hands and feet, you can also use these drugs or wash these parts of the body with soap often.

Complications of the disease

One of the strains of the virus that causes the "hand-foot-mouth" syndrome is more dangerous than others, as it can severely harm health and even threaten a person's life. It manifests itself in several ways: