Ulcers in the mouth

For one reason or another, defects in the form of ulcers may appear on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. The use of even the most neutral food at the same time turns into torture.

Ulcers in the mouth and their types

Before you start treating ulcers in the mouth, it is worthwhile to figure out what they are. Ulcers can be divided into these types:

An ulcer of the first type of shallow penetration, is more quickly amenable to treatment. The second type of ulcer is treated more difficultly, as damage to the deep layers of the oral cavity develops. Complex ulcer can bleed, there is a threat of penetration of secondary infection, as well as the degeneration of the ulcer into a malignant tumor. In appearance, oral ulcers - red craters with slightly swollen edges of irregular shape. Sometimes white (with thrush) or greenish (with periadenitis) plaque can be observed.

Ulcers in the mouth - causes

The most common cause of ulcers in the mouth is the penetration of the infection against a background of reduced immunity. Such factors provoke a very common disease - stomatitis. Depending on the type of stomatitis, ulcers take a complex or simple nature. Also, the causes of ulcers can be:

Ulcer in the mouth - treatment

Ulcer on the oral mucosa caused by trauma is the most simple ulcer. Usually, it is of a simple type and passes without special treatment in a few days. However, in order to avoid complications, local treatment should be performed as a treatment for a traumatic ulcer.

But the infection that caused the disease, accompanied by ulcers in the mouth, is not always amenable to local treatment. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out complex medicamentous therapy. In any case, the treatment of ulcers in the mouth is, first of all, the treatment of a disease that provokes the appearance of lesions on the mucosa in the oral cavity. With stomatitis or herpes, the treatment of ulcers in the oral cavity usually lasts from 7 to 10 days. The process itself can be divided into stages:

  1. Taking medications for internal effects on the cause of ulcers.
  2. Conducting disinfection of the oral cavity. With such washing, the plaque is removed, if present, and also the prevention of secondary infection by the bacteria present in the mouth.
  3. Treatment of ulcers on the oral mucosa with a drug that has a directed effect.

Depending on the origin of ulcers, solutions or ointments of antiviral, antibacterial or antifungal action are used.

Rinsing the oral cavity with a soda or a solution or a solution of furacilin cleans mucous well. There are also special bactericidal and anti-inflammatory solutions for rinsing: rotokan, maraslavin, stomatidin. In addition to removing the inflammatory process in the mouth, they have good healing qualities. Effective will be frequent rinses with subsequent applications directly to the site, affected by ulcers.

Used as an ointment for ulcers in the mouth are sea buckthorn oil, adrenosteroids for external use (oracorte, dermovat), herpes remedies (acyclovir). But in any case, a doctor should prescribe a cure for ulcers after a complete diagnosis of the disease, since the use of ointment for other purposes can not only stop the healing process, but also aggravate the disease.

Rapid healing of ulcers in the mouth will ensure the treatment of infected mucous chemist's blue. Of course, this looks far from aesthetic, but the effect is achieved on the second or third day of treatment.