The medicine for lamblia

Ljamblii, as a rule, get into the human body through contaminated foods and water, less often - through hygiene items. Treatment of giardiasis is a long process, taking place under strict medical supervision. We learn the opinion of specialists about what medicines for lamblia are best taken.

The best cures for lamblia

Medicines against lamblia are most often tabletted and always to some extent toxic. When choosing a medicine, it is necessary to be guided by the following criteria:

Tablets from lamblia are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Nitroimidazoles (Metronidazole, Albendazole , Ornidazole).
  2. Derivatives of nitrofurans (Furazolidone, Nifuratel).
  3. Means containing acridine (Mepakrin, Kvinarkin).

Important! Before starting treatment with drugs against lamblia, detoxification should be carried out with a special diet and taking cleansers ( Enterosgel , Neosmectin, Polysorb, etc.).

Capsules Tinidazole

Among the most effective medicines for lamblia, according to doctors, is Tinidazole. The drug is prescribed by a specialist, while he takes into account that there are a number of contraindications to the use of the medicine, including:

Daily dosage of the drug for adults is 2 g (4 pills of 500 mg). The medicine is taken once a day.

Metronidazole tablets

The question of which least harmful medicine for lamblia can be chosen for treatment is most often asked for a parasitologist patients with giardiasis. As a rule, doctors advise to use in therapy Metronidazole (Trichopolum) This remedy is used even in the treatment of infants. The duration of therapy with the drug is 5-7 days, the dosage depends on the age of the patient.

Recently, online pharmacies offer new means of parasites, including lamblia. Usually they are positioned as preparations made solely from natural components. Among such means, for example, an antiparasitic drug, Intoxic. Unfortunately, most of the advertised medicines do not have a certificate confirming the safety and effectiveness of the action.