What does the coprogram show?

A coprogram is an analysis of stool. In medicine, it is considered as useful and informative as a study of urine or blood. A coprogram can show changes in the body and what caused their appearance. The analysis determines the physical, microscopic and chemical characteristics of the stool.

What does the coprogram show in an adult?

Coprogram is a noninvasive study. Cal is the final product obtained by digesting food. That is, before the excrement, it passes through the entire digestive tract. Accordingly, the information is about the state of all organs of the system.

In order for the coprogram to show reliable data, it must be properly prepared:

  1. For a couple of days from the diet should be deleted all coloring products, such as tomatoes, rhubarb, beets.
  2. To hand over the analysis during monthly it is forbidden.
  3. It is better to adhere to the diet during the preparation period. You can eat porridge, fruit, dairy products and vegetables. But portions should be small.
  4. It is not permitted to take antibiotics and enzyme preparations before the test.

Call feces for analysis can not be enemas or by stimulating the rectum.

Here's what the stool kaprogram can show:

What should the analysis-coprogram show in the ideal version?

There are several basic indicators that will help to understand whether the digestive system works correctly or if there are any irregularities. If a person is completely healthy, his feces must be formalized, brown in a uniform color (small deviations are allowed - they appear with chronic ailments and because of the diet), a cylindrical shape.

Bilirubin in the analysis should not be allowed. A sterkobilin on the contrary - in a small amount should be present. The presence of protein, crystals of salts, starch, mucus, blood, leukocytes is undesirable.

In diseases of the organs that make up the digestive system, deviations from the norm are usually observed.

What does the coprogram show in worms, celiac disease, colitis and other diseases?

Most ailments can be recognized by certain changes in the coprogram:

  1. The ulcer of the stomach or duodenum can be determined from the admixtures of blood in the feces . Sometimes bloody veins can not be seen with the naked eye, but they are clearly discernable in detailed research. In addition, the stool becomes almost black and acquires a tarry consistency.
  2. With cholelithiasis, the feces become discolored.
  3. Because of celiac disease, a starch appears in the coprogram.
  4. An increased number of feces is observed with pancreatitis, fermentation or putrefactive dyspepsia, enteritis.
  5. Most often, bilirubin in feces is a sign of a dysbacteriosis or acute food poisoning. The substance simply does not have time to turn into sterocilin because of pathogenic bacteria and accelerated passage of food, respectively.
  6. A sharp fetid odor can occur with chronic pancreatitis. With an ailment, an insufficient amount of juice is produced, which takes part in the breakdown of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Food is not digested well enough, in its residues are formed putrefactive bacteria, which secrete foul-smelling substances.
  7. Slight mucus in the stool should be present. But a large number of it indicates the inflammatory processes of the large intestine and diseases such as dysentery or salmonellosis .