Isenko-Cushing syndrome - the most effective ways to combat the disease

Skin condition, body weight, cardiovascular system work and other physiological parameters are regulated by hormones. They are produced by special glands - the adrenal glands and the pituitary gland. If the functioning of the organs is disrupted, endocrine imbalance occurs.

Isenko-Cushing syndrome - what is it?

The described condition (hypercorticosis) is a group of pathologies in which the adrenal cortex produces an excessive amount of cortisol or adrenocorticotropic hormone. It is important to distinguish between the problem under consideration and Cushing's disease. It is a secondary lesion of the endocrine system, developing against the background of diseases of the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland.

Cushing's Syndrome - Causes

There are several factors that presumably provoke this pathology. All causes of hypercorticism are conventionally classified into 3 types:

Exogenous hypercorticosis

This syndrome of Itenko-Cushing develops under the influence of external factors. The main cause of its occurrence is the continued use of glucocorticosteroid hormones. This kind of syndrome is caused by therapy, therefore it is also called iatrogenic hypercorticism. It is often observed after transplantation - hormonal preparations are prescribed to suppress immunity and prevent rejection of the transplanted organ. Medical hypercorticism also begins with the treatment of chronic inflammations:

Endogenous hypercorticosis

This variant of the disease occurs due to internal disorders in the body. The main causes of development are conditions leading to dysfunction of the adrenal cortex:

To provoke the growth of adrenal tumors can be heredity, so one of the factors of the emergence of hypercorticism is a genetic predisposition. Itenko-Cushing's disease is also caused by neoplasms, but in other organs:

Cushing's pseudo-syndrome

There are conditions in which excess cortisol production occurs, but there are no hormone-secreting tumors in the body. This is a functional syndrome of hypercorticism, it often accompanies neurological and mental pathologies. For violations characterized by a clinical picture, completely identical to the true disease. Sometimes pseudo-syndrome Itenko-Cushing provoke:

Illness of Itenko-Cushing - symptoms

The main feature of hypercorticism is the deposition of fat in several areas:

Because of obesity, it is even visually easy to identify the Itenko-Cushing syndrome, the symptoms of which are as follows:

In the absence of treatment, the hormonal background deteriorates rapidly. Developing progressive Cushing's syndrome, the symptoms of which are:

Isenko-Cushing syndrome - diagnosis

The main factor that allows to suspect hypercorticism is the symptoms of pathology. After collecting anamnesis and a thorough examination, the endocrinologist assigns a series of studies to determine the causes of clinical events, the differentiation of the described disease and other disorders. Cushing's syndrome - diagnosis:

Isenko-Cushing syndrome - treatment

Therapeutic tactics depend on the causes that triggered hypercorticism. With exogenous factors, gradual cancellation, reduction of the dosage of glucocorticoids or their replacement by other immunosuppressive drugs is recommended. In parallel, symptomatic treatment of the Itenko-Cushing's disease, aimed at restoring metabolic processes and normalizing body weight, is carried out.

In the case of the endogenous origin of excessive cortisol production, its cause must be eliminated. The only effective option in the presence of tumors that provoke Cushing's syndrome is surgically treated. Neoplasm is removed, followed by radiation and prolonged drug therapy. Select pharmacological agents that reduce the concentration of corticosteroid hormones in the blood and suppress their production:

In addition, it is necessary to stop the symptoms of pathology. To do this, use (at the choice of the endocrinologist):

Nutrition for hypercortisy

Diet does not help significantly reduce the production of cortisol, but will ensure the normalization of metabolic processes in the body. It is important to complexly suppress hypercorticism - treatment necessarily involves correction of the diet with the restriction or exclusion of the following products:

To facilitate the Itzenko-Cushing syndrome it is important to use:

Complications of Itenko-Cushing's disease

The pathology considered is prone to progression, in the absence of adequate therapy it can lead to serious consequences. The disease and the Itenko-Cushing syndrome are associated with such complications:

Sometimes a syndrome or a disease of Itenko-Cushing causes an extremely dangerous condition that can end lethal - adrenal (adrenal) crisis. Its signs: