Gemini from different fathers

The birth of twins is in itself a rare phenomenon. Each multiple pregnancy is a memorable episode in the medical practice of an obstetrician-gynecologist. Twins from different fathers appear about one case per million. Often people do not believe, and do not even assume that this is possible at all, however, as practice shows, even this is possible by nature. This almost unrealistic variant of pregnancy occurs only if, despite the fertilization of the ovum, ovulation occurs again.

Can twins be born from different fathers?

Each kind of multiplicity has its own characteristics and name. Few people know how this phenomenon is called, when twin children are obtained from different fathers. This variant of the course of pregnancy was called "superfecondition." It is worth noting that the born children of such a mother will be similar to each other no more than ordinary step-brothers and sisters.

People who are interested in whether there can be twins from different fathers, will necessarily stumble on the Internet on notes about the once-famous story about the American family, where this phenomenon took place. After carrying out of the test of DNA it was found out, that not drops not similar to each other twins practically with absolute probability are born from different fathers. This story is a kind of proof of this phenomenon.

A similar incident occurred in a single Polish family. And these are only those cases in which the necessary studies were conducted to identify the phenomenon. Pregnancy in such cases proceeds without any features or problems. Complications, if possible, will depend on other factors. To establish, that twins have different popes, it is possible only by means of the test for definition of paternity.