Growth stimulator "Buton"

Each plant has its own norms of growth and development. They are due solely to the natural qualities of this representative of the flora. But not so long ago, among the gardeners, so-called stimulants have come into fashion, which accelerate growth, increase fruiting and allow a much higher yield. Let's find out whether this is true, taking as an example such a drug as a plant growth stimulator "Buton".

It includes sodium salts and the substance gibberillic acid - a constituent part of natural plant phytohormones responsible for the flowering and fructification of crops. Gibberellins help to speed up flowering (for this, the plant needs to be processed before budding), and then - and fruit formation (re-treatment after the formation of the ovaries is needed).

Features of the drug for different cultures

As you know, you can use the bud for a variety of garden plants, a detailed list of which is given in the instructions to this growth stimulant. Let us consider this issue in more detail.

First, you need to prepare a working solution for processing plants. To do this, take 10 liters of water and add 10 g of the drug (for currant, cabbage, cucumber), 15 g (for tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants) or 20 g (for onions, legumes, and flower corms). The working liquid for processing different plants is also used differently: cabbage, tomatoes, aubergines, potatoes, radish daikon, strawberries, cucumbers, peas, beans and onions require maximum irrigation within 4 liters of solution per 100 square meters. m of planting area. A little less consuming fruit trees - apple and cherry will be enough 2-3 liters, and black currant - only 0.5 liters per bush.

Separately, you should specify the time when you want to use the "Bud". As mentioned above, this drug is used twice, if the goal is stimulation and flowering, and fruit formation. However, for each culture, stimulant treatment is performed in different periods of development:

When working with Buton, as well as with other growth stimulants, be sure to adhere to the method of application indicated on the package. Otherwise, instead of a good harvest, you risk getting the opposite effect: from the glut of phytohormones, the ovary will fall off, and not turn into fruit.

Practice shows that growth stimulators are indeed effective. Firstly, "Buton" increases resistance to unfavorable environmental conditions, namely, to droughts and frosts. Secondly, the use of this drug makes it possible to reduce the number of flowers, and, accordingly, to increase the number of fruit ovaries. This increases the yield by 30-40%, depending on the type of crop. Thirdly, thanks to the gibberellins contained in the composition, with the growth stimulator "Buton", plant survival becomes better. Fourth, the harvest ripens faster for about a week, and in truck farming this is a considerable time. And, finally, fifthly, the stimulant has a beneficial effect on the nutritional and taste characteristics of the fruit, which is also very important.