What is useful prune?

In prunes a huge share of useful substances. Some substances in the composition of prunes improve the work of the intestines, others struggle with bacteria, others treat anemia and this is not the whole list. Thanks to a pleasant sweet and sour taste, prunes are combined with porridge and vegetables, so you can use it in daily food, taking care of your health.

Solving the problem - is prune useful, pay attention to a wide range of its effects on the body:

  1. Antibacterial substances, which are rich in prunes, have a local effect, that is, they kill pathogenic microbes in the oral cavity, and further, throughout the gastrointestinal tract. These bactericides are resistant to the effects of saliva and gastric acid, which is indispensable in the treatment of gastritis and colitis.
  2. The high content of potassium in prunes, will help strengthen the heart muscle, relieve you of shortness of breath. Potassium is also needed for the proper functioning of the urinary system - it fights against inflammation of the kidneys and has a diuretic effect. The merit of potassium is also noted in the choleretic effect on the gallbladder. In a word, this mineral helps to reduce muscle fibers in the tissues of internal organs.
  3. Prunes are rich in natural antioxidants, so it is indispensable in combating harmful influences from the environment. Antioxidants help our body to remove all harmful - slags and toxins, selecting them from each cell.
  4. Prunes contain vitamin B1, which is responsible for the work of the nervous system. It helps improve memory processes and fights with fatigue, with increased irritation of nerve cells.
  5. In the composition of prunes, there is a huge amount of vitamin C - it prevents the fragility of the vessels and resists the spread of inflammatory processes in the body.
  6. Prunes are known for a large amount of iron, which is necessary for erythrocytes to transport oxygen by blood, so this dried fruit is recommended for patients with anemia.

Separately, the beneficial properties of prunes for women, because it contains a large amount of magnesium, which is necessary in the development of female hormones - estrogens. Magnesium still helps women cope with insomnia and neuroses, struggling with overwork. Extensively apply the action of magnesium on the body of a pregnant woman, it helps to preserve the fetus, in the state of threatening miscarriage. Prunes contain vitamin B 9, which is indispensable in the transfer of gene information and is important for future mothers.

Benefit of Prunes for Weight Loss

The use of prunes quickly dulls the feeling of hunger with diets. It is indispensable in dietary nutrition, because it contains a large number of substances that help to rid the body of excess weight.

Contained in prunes, multivitamins of group B affect the metabolic processes. Under the influence of these vitamins, metabolism is activated, and excess nutrients in tissues, such as fats, are transformed into energy.

It is known that prunes activates intestinal peristalsis and helps to get rid of constipation. Thanks to this action, the work of the organism as a whole is normalized and the person quickly loses weight.

Using prunes in food for weight loss, remember about its calorie content - 230 kcal per 100 g, so do not Eat a lot of dried fruits, and not hastily chew on one dried sink.

Recipe with Prunes

A unique combination of oatmeal and prunes is indispensable for weight loss, these products enhance the effect of each other, help the quality work of the intestine and the fastest metabolism.

You will need to boil 100 g of oatmeal in 2 glasses of water, then add 2-3 crushed prunes and still keep on the fire for a couple of minutes. Cover the dish with a lid, and after half an hour, a tasty and healthy breakfast will be ready.