The Benefits of Beer

Beer is a popular low-alcohol drink both among men and women. Knowing that when you use it in large quantities may appear, the so-called "beer tummy" is known to almost everyone. Many are interested in whether there is a benefit from beer or whether the drink is extremely harmful to the body and the figure. Immediately it is worth mentioning that if you consume several liters of a drink at a time, you should not count on any positive consequences.

What is the use of beer?

Conscientious producers use only natural products for the preparation of the drink, which are also used in homeopathy. The composition of beer includes a fairly large vitamin complex. In the drink there are vitamins of group B and vitamin РР. Thanks to this beer improves metabolism and the process of hematopoiesis. In addition, there are various minerals in it: phosphorus, iron, magnesium, etc. You can talk about the benefits of beer only if the drink does not pass pasteurization, because otherwise many substances simply disappear. Therefore, give preference to non-filtered options.

Since the composition of beer includes hop bitterness, the process of secretion of gastric juice improves, which in turn reduces the negative effect of alcohol on the body.

The benefits of beer for women is the ability to improve the state of the nervous system, get rid of insomnia and stress. Due to the presence of phytoestrogens and phenolic acids, the risk of breast and uterine cancer is reduced. Since the composition of beer includes calcium and magnesium, the drink strengthens bone tissue and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Is beer useful for losing weight?

There's nothing to please you, because, despite the low calorie content, the drink does not help to lose weight. The problem is that drinking beer almost never ends on one glass. As a result, there is an increase in the volume of the abdomen and an increase in body weight. In addition, the drink is addictive, the so-called beer alcoholism. Blame the hormone of pleasure, which is produced during the use of a foamy drink. Still it is worth considering that most often, along with beer people eat various high-calorie and completely unhelpful snacks that negatively affect the figure. In general, if your goal is to get rid of excess weight, then the beer should be listed on the list of banned products for good.

Myths about the benefits of beer

There is a lot of information that misleads many people who think that beer is a very useful drink.

Myth # 1 - beer is good for the brain, because it contains silicon . Any alcoholic beverage has the ability to destroy brain cells that do not regenerate. With regular use of beer, intellectual abilities and memory deteriorate, which in the end can lead to dementia.

Myth number 2 - beer is useful for the work of the heart, as it thickens its walls and reduces mitochondria . In fact, due to the availability carbon dioxide, beer overflows the vessels, which provokes the development of varicose veins. As a result, with the regular use of intoxicating beverage, there may be a "beer heart" syndrome, characterized by flabbiness of the heart and the body begins to poorly pump blood.

Myth # 3 - beer is good for the kidneys, as it has a diuretic effect . When consuming a drink in large quantities from the body can wash useful minerals and other substances.

Myth number 4 - beer is useful for digestion . Although the drink also has useful properties, hop resins are carcinogens. It is proved that with the regular use of foam increases the risk of colon cancer.