Scabies in cats

Scabies in cats - this is a fairly rare phenomenon, which is more typical of dogs. But if scabies "picked up" then the life of the whole family becomes like a nightmare: shampoos-lotions do not help, adults panic because of the children, and the poor cat causes strong pity. How to cure scabies and protect yourself from this unpleasant illness?

If you examine the skin of an infected animal through a microscope, you can observe dozens of small mites that gnaw through the epidermis layer. Sometimes this muck remains unrecognized, settling deep under the skin - in this case the disease can be diagnosed only by a veterinarian.

Usual ear scabies in cats develop due to infection by small mites that live inside the ear canal. Insects feed on earwax, blood, and skin scales. Because of this, the brown composition of their dried blood drops and the products of the vital activity of the parasites accumulate in the ear. This disease is easily cured if it is diagnosed in the first stages. It is enough to lubricate the auditory passages within 10 days with special drops.

Signs of scabies in cats

Despite the large number of species of ticks, the symptoms of scabies in cats are quite typical. Here are the main signs of the disease:

The more the animal is scratched, the more irritated the skin. Sometimes, the itching becomes so strong that the pet tears off the skin with claws. It is very important to start treatment on time, otherwise there may be secondary infections (fungi, cocci, etc.). Real and more lamentable consequences:

Oppressed immunity is not able to protect the cat's body, leading to a viral infection, especially if it was vaccinated more than 6 months ago.

Diagnosis of the disease must be entrusted to a professional. In the veterinary clinic, scrapes should be taken from the irritated area, after which the laboratory will determine the appearance and presence of ticks. This stage is very important, so after identifying the source of irritation it becomes clear whether it is dangerous for a person. If the disease is transmitted to people, then it is necessary to protect the cat from the family, in particular from children and people with weak immunity.

Than to treat a scabies at cats?

Like many infectious diseases, scabies should be treated in a comprehensive manner. First you need to kill the mites, after which you can already take care of the overall improvement of the cat's condition.

For the elimination of parasites, antiparasitic injections of the ivermectin series are used: novomek, ivermektin, buymek, etc. In addition to injections, external agents are attributed, for example, butoks, stomazan solutions, etc.

To stabilize the antiparasitic resistance, immunoparasitol is used. The drug activates the internal forces, the cat no longer perceives the secondary lesions with cliques. To remove the inflammatory process of restoring its former protective properties, the following anti-inflammatory ointments (pihtoin) and lotions based on sulfur and sea-buckthorn oil are prescribed.

An important role in restoring the body's strength is played by vitamin complexes and nutrition. Also, you need to pay attention to places of use of the animal (litter, toilet , toys, items care, feeder). These things should be thoroughly washed and treated with disinfectants or boiled. Adhering to the correct course of treatment for scabies in cats, you will certainly cure your favorite and greatly facilitate her life.