Hot dog at home - the most delicious recipes of street fast food

To get acquainted with a seductive fast food without harm to health it will be possible, having prepared an appetizing hot dog at home. Having become acquainted with the technique of creating all kinds of favorite snacks, you can enjoy a new taste each time.

How to make a hot dog?

The creation of a quick sandwich is a simple matter and, if desired, every novice mistress, or a bachelor who does not understand cooking, will cope with it.

  1. For hot dogs, you will need oblong buns, ideally corresponding to the length of the sausage you can use, which you can buy at the store, and bake the more experienced culinary specialists with your own hands.
  2. Hot dog sauce is added to taste. Often used assorted of mustard, ketchup and mayonnaise, but you can use another sauce to your taste.
  3. The filling for a hot dog is not only a sausage, but also accompaniment in the form of grated cheese, sliced ​​fresh vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, pickles, all kinds of fresh greens or lettuce.
  4. Sandwiches are served hot, for which they are made out of hot bread and sausages or warmed up after the decoration.

Buns for hot dogs - recipe

Buns for self-cooking hot dogs allow you to get the most delicious snack. They can be baked from any yeast unsweetened dough or ideally use the proportions proposed in this section. Instead of milk, it is allowed to use water, and replace dry powder with fresh pressed.



  1. In warm milk dry yeast is dissolved, left for 15 minutes.
  2. Add sugar, salt and melted butter to the milk base.
  3. Sift flour, add to the liquid base, kneading, until a slightly sticky, soft and smooth texture of the dough is obtained.
  4. Leave the come under the film for an hour, then knead it and divide into portions weighing 70 g.
  5. Roll out portions, roll into a roll, tamper, lay on the baking sheet with a seam down.
  6. After 30 minutes, lubricate the workpieces with a yolk, sprinkle with sesame and bake at 180 degrees to a blush.

Hot Dog - a classic recipe

The classic hot dog has dozens of variations of cooking, which often differ in the composition of the accompaniment to the sausage and the set of sauces used. The basic recipe can be performed without vegetable and other additives, seasoning the snack to taste with mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise or one of the sauces.



  1. The scone is cut from one side, slightly not cutting to the end, and then warmed slightly in a microwave oven or steam.
  2. Lubricate inside the crumb with mustard and half a portion of ketchup and mayonnaise.
  3. Boil or grill a sausage, put in a slice of bread, adding, if desired, greens, lettuce leaves or vegetables.
  4. Sprinkle the sausage with the remaining ketchup and mayonnaise.

French hot dog

Hot dog is a recipe that has a lot of varieties. The French version of the sandwich is prepared by adding a cut of baguette sausage without a longitudinal section. It is necessary to pre-scrape the inside of the crumb, freeing the place for filling with sauce or to purchase ready-made French rolls with holes.



  1. The bun is laid out on the grill pan and browned on both sides, placing a small load on top.
  2. Fry or boil the sausage.
  3. In the opening of the roll lay a mixture of mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup and sliced ​​finely cucumber, put the sausage.
  4. Lubricated cooked hot dog French at home with ketchup around the sausage and immediately served.

Danish hot dog - recipe

The Danish hot dog is a kind of transformation of the classic version of the popular snack, where the filling is complemented with fried, somewhat unconventional manner, onions. Through the use of floury breading, the roast gets a characteristic crunch, which at times improves the overall taste of the sandwich.



  1. On the oil, chop the chopped onion until it is transparent.
  2. Sprinkle the sauce with salt, pepper, flour and fry, stirring constantly, until a ruddy crunch.
  3. Lay the onion on a napkin to soak the oil.
  4. Warm a little sliced ​​loaf, grease with mustard, complemented with sliced ​​cucumber and sausage.
  5. From above watered made hot dog Danish at home with sauces and complemented with onions.

American hot dog

American versions of hot dogs are no less diverse than other varieties and can be prepared with all kinds of greens, salad leaves cut with fresh vegetables or pickles. The loaf can be cut traditionally from the side, from above or scrape the crumb like a French snack.



  1. The bun is notched, heated in a convenient way.
  2. Put in the leaves of lettuce, heat-treated sausage and sliced ​​vegetables.
  3. Season the New York hot dog with mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup and immediately serve.

Hot dog made from puff pastry in the oven

If there is a package of puff pastry and sausages , you can cook delicious hot dogs in the oven in one fell swoop, without requiring special baking or buying buns. In addition to sauces as a filling, you can add slices of salted or pickled cucumber, a little fresh greens or tomato slices.



  1. The dough is divided into 6 portions, rolled to rectangles along the length of sausages.
  2. Lubricate the layers in the center with sauces, lay the sausage.
  3. The dough is cut at the edges, which are tucked upward and laid with a pigtail on top of each other
  4. Lubricate the hot dogs from the puff pastry with yolk and bake 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Hot Dog with Korean Carrots

The recipe for hot dogs at home can be performed with Korean carrots , which will give the appetizer a special piquancy and unique taste with ostrinkoy. Some like it when initially in the sauces flavored with a roll of carrots, and someone prefers to complement the workpiece with a sandwich over the sausages.



  1. Warm up a couple, in a microwave oven or on a grilled cut loaf.
  2. Lubricate the crumb with mustard, mayonnaise and ketchup, supplemented with carrots and boiled sausage.
  3. Watered made hot dog at home with ketchup and mayonnaise from above and immediately served.

Hot dog with cheese

If the home hot dog is sent for a few minutes in a microwave oven or in an oven, sprinkled with pre-ground cheese, it will be possible to vary the taste of the appetizer qualitatively, filling it with creamy notes, a crispy crust or an appetizing thick cheese mass if you hold the snack in the oven for very long.



  1. The bun is cut, seasoned with sauces, complemented with sliced ​​cucumbers, greens and boiled sausage.
  2. Sprinkle a decorated hot dog at home with grated cheese and send it to a heated oven before melting or browning.

Hot dog in pita bread - recipe

If there was not a special bun in the presence or just a desire to diversify the taste of your favorite dish, it's time to experiment and make a tasty hot dog in pita bread . Ideal for the realization of the idea is a delicate Armenian lavash, in which it is convenient and easy to wrap absolutely any stuffing.



  1. Shred cabbage, cucumber and carrots, season with salt, pepper, lemon juice and sugar, mix, spread on pita bread.
  2. On top are boiled sausages, water their sauces.
  3. Fold the pita bread with an envelope, warm it in a microwave oven, in an oven, multivark or simply brown it in a frying pan.

Hot Dog in the Microwave

The hot dog, which is cooked using only a microwave oven, is not inferior in taste to other snack analogues. To preserve the integrity of the sausage and its natural juiciness, it must be wrapped in a paper towel before heating. If desired, the snack can be cooked simultaneously with a roll.



  1. The sausage is heated in the microwave for 40 seconds, and the pre-cut roll is 20 seconds.
  2. Put the sausage in a loaf, season with sauces, sprinkle with cheese and return the device to the melting of cheese chips.

Home-made hot dogs from the loaf - recipe

When there was no special bun, you can create a hot dog at home from the loaf, cutting it into 4 pieces. The bread is divided in half across, and then each half is cut along into 2 parts. You can make a large sandwich, scraping out half of the loaf flesh and filling the void with sausages, sauce and sliced ​​vegetables.



  1. Cut the loaf into 4 parts, make a cut from the side of the crumb.
  2. Supplement the quarter of bread with boiled sausages, vegetables and sauces, if desired, warm up the hot dog a little.