Lecho of a tomato

Lecho is a well-known national Hungarian dish of tomato, paprika and bacon. Thanks to simple cooking technology and excellent taste, lecho became popular among many peoples. There are many recipes for cooking lecho , for each nationality these recipes differ in composition and in the way they are cooked. Sauce lecho is served to fried sausages, hot salad lecho - the perfect side dish to potatoes and pasta, preserved for the winter lecho of Bulgarian pepper - will warm its bright colors even in the most severe frost. Each hostess has her own preferences, so there are so many varied recipes for cooking lecho . Preserving lecho also has its own characteristics. Moreover, in addition to the conventional lecho of pepper and tomato, you can cook lemon, lecho with carrots, beans or even rice. But the Hungarian tradition to cook lecho with meat is not very accustomed - more common are recipes of vegetable lecho of Bulgarian pepper . Especially popular among owners is the Bulgarian lecho, which combines minimal costs and excellent taste. Bulgarian lech will become a wonderful decoration of the festive table, especially in winter, when the choice of vegetables does not spoil the variety.

Traditional lecho recipes consist of tomato and pepper, other vegetables and spices are added to taste. Also a common option is lecho with tomato juice. If it is planned that the dish will be eaten by children, then cook lecho without vinegar, if you cook for lovers of spicy cuisine - you can add bitter pepper, garlic and other spices to taste. Prepare a delicious lecho is not difficult - the main thing is to choose a recipe that suits your preferences.

Here are the most common recipes for cooking and preserving lecho.

A simple lecho recipe from a tomato

To quickly and deliciously prepare lecho from a tomato you will need:

Half a tomato, pepper and garlic cut into strips. Fold the vegetables in an enamel saucepan and cook for 10 minutes. Add the rest of the tomato, salt and sugar. Cook for half an hour. Pour into prepared cans and roll.

The Bulgarian Lecho

To prepare a Bulgarian lecho you need:

Tomato puree can be prepared by letting tomatoes through the juicer. Ready mashed potatoes should be cooked 2 times. Pepper peel and cut into strips. Bring to a boil and add the rest of the ingredients. Boiling for half an hour, lecho can be preserved or served to the table. On the same recipe, you can prepare lecho with tomato paste, replacing it with tomato puree. It is important to choose a paste of high quality and dilute it to the desired consistency.

Hungarian lecho

The traditional recipe of Hungarian lecho includes the following ingredients:

Prepare the vegetables - cut the onion with semicircles, pepper with broad slices, tomatoes, peeling off the skins, cut into quarters. To make it easier to peel the tomatoes, they need to be held in boiling water for a few seconds.

Foam cut into cubes and fry on the smilge to transparency (in a large saucepan). Add the onion and lightly brown it. Add paprika, stir and pour tomatoes with pepper. Add the salt. Without reducing the heat, and without closing the lid, simmer until the liquid is partially evaporated. After this, cover and bring to a low heat. Such lecho is perfect for garnishing with rice, pasta or puree.

Lecho with beans

Lecho with beans can be served as a separate dish and as a garnish. You will need:

Prepare the ingredients - chop the vegetables, cook the tomato juice (boil 15 minutes), the beans are soaked in advance (at night). In a saucepan, add all the vegetables and beans and fill with tomato juice. Add salt, add sugar and butter. Bring to a boil. Once lecho boils, remove from heat and roll into cans.

Peach lecho

For a change, try to prepare for the winter lecho of courgettes. To do this, you will need:

Mix the oil, salt, vinegar and sugar and bring to a boil. In the boiling mixture, add zucchini and put out for 15 minutes. Add the onions and cook for another 5 minutes. Then add the pepper and wait for another 5 minutes. At the end, add the tomatoes and cook for another 10 minutes. Hot lecho spread in jars and roll.

Lecho is so successful that in almost every store you can find a wide range of different types of lecho for every taste. But the most delicious lecho is , of course, homemade, cooked with soul and love.