Cacti - care

Far from always the pride of a budding floriculturist is a chic dracaena or a flourishing city . Sometimes a luxurious flowering cactus pleases the eye no worse than a mottled fern. Care for cacti at home may seem easy, but only compliance with the basic rules will contribute to such a rare phenomenon as the blooming of a cactus.

Cacti - growing and care

Let's consider the basic points concerning cultivation of this plant in house conditions:

  1. Transplantation . When you just bought a new process, give it a second week's adaptation. Then you can proceed to a transplant. It is advisable to transfer the purchase and the transplant itself for the period of the beginning-middle of spring. This type of plant is not afraid of large pots, but it needs a good drainage. After you have poured earth on half the height and planted the plant, its roots can be sprinkled with a layer of soil. After this procedure it is important to monitor drafts and cold, otherwise you can ruin the plant.
  2. It is important to understand that care for cacti at home is also in choosing a place for him. Any species needs enough light and fresh air, so that the balcony or veranda is an excellent place for pots.
  3. Soil and top dressing. To care for cacti we choose only light and airy soils, it is allowed to mix the land with sand. As fertilizing, we use potash and phosphorus fertilizers, they should be added after watering. However, only transplanted plants can not be fertilized, it is advisable to give them about two weeks for adaptation.
  4. Do not forget about watering in the care of cacti. Here you can nedolit, but you can not overdo it. It's not strange, but many species welcome the morning spraying. For example, when you care for a cactus mammilaria, you can for a while refuse to water (during wet weather), but do not spray.

Care for cacti in winter

To give plants a rest and sleep in the winter, you need to ensure coolness and peace. We find the coldest window or just choose a secluded place on a warm balcony and we cover the pots with boxes. Many to care for cacti in winter make small hothouses right on the loggias and there perfectly organize wintering.

Since the fall, we gradually reduce the watering, and at the same time lower the temperature. Everything should be harmonious. Care for cacti in winter is only to control temperature and watering.