Why do not violet flowers?

Violets, without any doubt, can be called the most popular indoor plant. Varieties of varieties and colors make violet the most frequent visitor on most window sills. It is from this plant that many flower growers start their way. And one of the most pressing problems for them is how to care for violets so that it blossoms.

Why does not flower room violet?

  1. One of the main reasons why the violets do not bloom is incorrectly selected lighting. Determine that the problem in the lack or overabundance of sunlight will help the leaves: if the light is not enough, they stretch upward, and from direct sunlight, they can get burns.
  2. It affects the flowering and the duration of daylight hours. An indispensable condition for flowering violets is a light day lasting at least 12 hours.
  3. Lack of fertilizing or improperly selected fertilizers also adversely affect the formation of flowers. Feed violets weekly, using special complexes for indoor flowers.
  4. The termination of flowering violets may result from improper irrigation or insufficient moisture. Moisture for violets should be at least 50%, and water them with standing water at room temperature.
  5. There will not be a violet blossom and if it is improperly transplanted. Soil for violets should be easy and not get lost in lumps. The pot should be chosen small (not more than 10 cm in diameter, and not more than 8 cm in height).
  6. The violet plant is tropical, can not stand the cold and can stop blooming in a draft or too cold a window sill.

Violet does not blossom - what should I do?

How to make a violet blossom, this whimsical beauty? First, you should check which of the above reasons is guilty of the fact that the violet has ceased to bloom, and to eliminate it.

  1. Best of all, the violets will feel on the windows facing east. Place them at a distance of no more than 30 cm from the glass, sheltering on hot and bright days from sunburn. The ideal option for the welfare of violets will be a tree growing outside the window, which will become for it a protective screen from direct sunlight. If natural light is not enough, you can make up for its quantity with phytolamps. But stability is very important for violets, so you have to turn them on and off at the same time.
  2. Watering violets is necessary as the earth dries up in the pot, not allowing under-or overflowing. The earth should always be wet, but not wet. The moisture required by violets can be provided with special humidifiers, wet cloth on the battery or with water containers.
  3. For high-quality flowering, violets need to be transplanted at least twice a year, using special earth mixtures for violets. The pot should be taken in such a way that the roots are slightly cramped. In a pot that is too large, all the strength of the violet will be directed to growing the leaves.
  4. In winter it is very important to ensure that the roots of the violet do not freeze on the cold window sill. To do this, it is not superfluous to put a pot of violets in a pot or another pot.

When do violets bloom?

The uniqueness of the violet lies in the fact that in good conditions it pleases its owners with lush blossoms all year round, making small breaks for the set of hardwood mass. The first flowering of violets comes about at the age of one year. Under natural illumination, the period of mass flowering of violets falls on the spring. To successfully bookmark the flower stalks the violets need coolness, so at night they should be cleaned in a cool place.