Violets - how to care to bloom, how can you make a violet blossom?

How to get beautiful violets, how to care to bloom, why buds do not form and how to fix possible problems - information that is important for people who want to grow these beautiful plants in their house. There are a number of requirements that should be taken into account.

How to care for violets at home?

This flower is considered demanding, so it is important to follow certain recommendations and properly care for the plant:

  1. Choose a suitable pot that should not be large, so the maximum size for large shrubs is 9x9.
  2. Care for violets in the pot requires the use of the right soil, and it should be light, nutritious and breathable. Suitable options can be found in flower shops. Be sure to fill the bottom with a drain .
  3. For irrigation, use a watering can with a long spout, so that the liquid does not fall on the leaves and the point of growth. You can conduct watering through a pallet.
  4. Pruning the bush provides a proportional view of the rosette, which must consist of three rows of leaves. The growth center should not be hammered, otherwise remove the bottom leaves.
  5. It is necessary to take care of the culture in winter, because it is necessary to provide the usual conditions. Violet should not be deprived of light, freeze, and the air dry up. The best air temperature for a flower is 20-25 ° C. Violets put on boards or pieces of polystyrene, since the windowsills will be too cold. In severe frosts, transfer the pot to the desk.

When do violets bloom?

This plant is unique in that if it is properly taken care of and brought closer to natural conditions, then flowering can be observed for 8-9 months. For the first time flowering can be seen when the flower is a year old and it occurs in the period from the end of winter to the beginning of spring. Rest at the violet so that it blossoms well, runs from November to February. The main conditions of flowering violets: good light, heat, high humidity and well-fertilized soil. If it is wrong to take care of a flower, then flowering can never be seen.

Why do not violet flowers?

There are certain reasons why buds are not formed on the flower.

  1. The wrong arrangement of the violet provokes a lack of light. It is important to protect violets from direct sun rays. For abundant flowering, you need 12 hours of continuous lighting.
  2. If it is wrong to take care of and not apply fertilizers, then you can not see flowers. With an overabundance of nitrogen flowers will form, and potassium - bushes will turn yellow.
  3. Describing what to do when the violets do not bloom, it is worth pointing out that the cause may be caused by irregular watering.
  4. Heavy and dense earth does not allow the roots to develop, which stops flowering. Perhaps a pot too large for a violet.
  5. If it is wrong to take care of a flower, then diseases and pests may arise, which will not give buds an appearance.

How to make the violet bloom in the home?

Experienced gardeners give several tips that will help to cause the plant bud formation.

  1. To violet flowered, put the pot on a well-lit windowsill, preferably on the east, and to the glass should be about 30 cm.
  2. If lighting is not enough, then install the fluorescent lamps by placing them on the windowsill. They should be included every day at the same time.
  3. For irrigation, use well-kept water, most importantly, keep track of its quantity.
  4. When the stepchildren appear, remove them so that the plant does not waste its strength on sprouting.
  5. The humidity in the room should be slightly increased, for which you should use humidifiers or place a container with water next to it.

How to feed violets for abundant flowering?

To apply fertilizer for proper development is recommended at least every 14 days, beginning in April and until September. If you are interested in how to feed violets for flowering, then pay attention to these options:

  1. Minerals. It necessarily includes superphosphates, which increase the acidity of the soil, which promote active growth and flowering. You need to apply fertilizers directly to the soil during the transplant. For 1 kg of soil you need at least 1 tsp superphosphate .
  2. Complex mineral substances. It is important to know how to feed violets, how to care to bloom, so, this kind of additives that contains all the necessary substances. In most cases, such fertilizers are readily soluble in water.

Can I transplant a flowering violet?

For good growth and lush flowering plants need a transplant. The best time for this procedure is spring or autumn. If you want to transplant a flowering violet, then this is not the best idea, regardless of the season. This is explained by the fact that such a procedure will lead to the stop of flowering. In addition, the presence of buds indicates that the violet feels comfortable and does not need a transplant. It is necessary to conduct the procedure only in emergency situations, for example, if the earth has become acidized or parasites have attacked.