Pickling an eggplant on a seedling

On the need for picking gardener argue quite zealously. Opponents of this stage talk about a lot of stress for the plant, supporters - about the need to let the plant develop gradually, and not plant seeds immediately in a huge capacity for them.

The advantage of picking is that it allows you to select the strongest plants, does not let the roots get tangled, and you can also restrain the growth of plants if there is a threat of overgrowing of seedlings. Aubergine seedlings without picks often get weaker and elongated.

Correct aubergine picking

If you decide to pick up sprouts, you need to wait until 2-3 real leaves appear on it. In general, the eggplant easily tolerate picking, so you can move the timing of picking eggplant seedlings and proceed to transplant already at the moment of appearance of the cotyledon leaves.

In any case, to make a picking of eggplants on seedlings you need to carefully, so as not to damage the root system. Transplant them to a light soil, making sure not to cover the bottom (cotyledon) leaves with earth.

There are two ways to pick an eggplant. The first of them is to water the water tank with water with a growth stimulator (3 drops per liter of water), then prepare the holes in new pots, take the eggplants with pieces of soil and put them in pots.

When picking, you can deepen seedlings seedlings to cotyledonous leaves. Put them in the hole, you need to water it, so that the roots are straightened, then fill it with earth and squeeze it lightly. Top again with water with a stimulant.

The next watering after transplantation to a new location can be made after a week of standing warm water. Since eggplants love copious watering, you need to fill the entire pot capacity every 5-6 days. In this case, you should not allow moisture to stagnate, so there must be a hole in the bottom of the pot.

To make the eggplants better the picking, the first couple of days they need to be protected from the sun and drafts. On the windowsill they can be put up after their good rooting. On the 10th day, you need to feed the seedlings with Kornerostom or Agricola Aqua . You can also spray the leaves with the stimulator Bud, after removing it from the window sill.

The second way of picking an eggplant is transshipment. He is more careful, therefore it is recommended to use it. For this, the seeds should be planted not in boxes, but in separate cups. Before the procedure, the plants stop watering, so that the earthen lump is lagging behind the walls.

The prepared pot is half filled with earth, then the glass with the seedlings is turned and rubbed, lightly pressing to the bottom. After that, in the hand should be a whole lump of ground with eggplant. We install it in a new pot, fall asleep on the edges of the earth. Further care is similar to the previous method.