What to do when everything is bad?

The day has not set itself since the morning. Everything is falling from my hands, the water has been turned off, the alarm clock, for some reason it did not work and the anthill has already warned the head that he is waiting for an explanatory in his office. At such times, you want to raise your eyes to the sky and yell: "Why is everything so bad?". Positive phrases that life black and white often do not help, and the feeling that you are the center of the negative in this world is getting stronger. What to do when it seems that everything is bad, and every day is worse? Let's try to understand the reasons for the black strip and the methods for eradicating it.

How to live when everything is bad?

Situations when it seems that the black bar hanging over the head for a long time, there are all. The hands go down, the question "why is everything bad in life?" Rises in my head, and besides the feeling of despair and desire to tear the last shred of hair out of my head, there are no more sensations. Even lists with cases that need to be done are of little help, because there is simply no desire for their fulfillment. You give yourself a promise to start changing your life in 10 minutes. But hours, days, or even weeks pass, and a moment comes when everything becomes absolutely bad. Go jump from a bridge with a necklace of bricks around your neck - exit. But there are less dangerous options. Remember, even if you are eaten, you have two options left. Let's also understand how to forget all the bad and change your life for the better.

So, what to do when everything is bad? To begin with, it is important to understand that all the trials in this life are given to us for something and they are within our power. If you have problems, it means that you have turned off the path you have chosen to the other side. In this situation, either you are managing your problems, or they are you. Therefore, the best way is to pull yourself together and act:

  1. Write down all the problems that are bothering you at the moment. For example, if everything is bad in the family, at work, solid trouble, and in his personal life a complete collapse. Also thoroughly write out all your debts, obligations and unpleasant situations, which you urgently need to solve.
  2. Systematize everything written in one chart. It is best if it is a mental map or tree of goals. Reflect the dependence of one problem on another. For example, if you do not solve problems in the family, then you will not be able to adjust your personal life and so on.
  3. Look at what you can do, at least partially. You will see how the other can solve with one problem, then how the consequences of solving the second task can lead to getting rid of the third and so on.
  4. Draw the arrows your way to solving all the problems and keep this circuit in front of your eyes. You can directly draw something on it and record it. The main thing is to move at least in small steps towards the exit from the current situation.

There are a few more tips to do when things are bad in life. It is worthwhile to implement them in parallel with the implementation of their goals and objectives:

  1. Compare yourself with those who have a worse situation than yours. For example, look at people with disabilities in wheelchairs, beggars who do not have normal clothes and shoes, pensioners who spend almost the entire pension for medicines and are forced from bread to water, children from the orphanage who do not know what problems are in the family, etc. .
  2. Write out everything you dream about. Make a map of the fulfillment of desires and assure yourself daily that everything that has been planned will necessarily come to pass
  3. Read positive books and stories of strong and distinguished personalities. You will see that almost every one of them has a way to the stars lay through thorns.
  4. Do what gives you joy and pleasure. Remember that negative thoughts have a bad effect on physical health.
  5. Watch movies that improve life motivation. They will cheer you up and give you faith in the future.

When it seems that in life everything is bad at once, start working on yourself and solve problems as soon as possible. Remember that there are no desperate situations, and every test is given to make you stronger. So, accept your problems with gratitude and smile at the fact that soon they will be solved, and will seem to you ridiculous and frivolous.