How to properly breastfeed a newborn?

For the first time taking his newborn baby in his arms, the newly mum does not understand what to do and how to properly feed him. To ensure that the need to fulfill their new responsibilities is not caught off guard, the issues of breastfeeding should be addressed during pregnancy.

In this article, we will tell you how to properly nurse the newborn, so that this process delivers to you and the baby exceptionally positive emotions.

How correctly to feed the newborn with breast milk lying down?

Many women after cesarean section surgery or complicated natural childbirth can not be seated. In this situation, the best poses for feeding the baby lying down, namely:

  1. "From under the arm." The woman lies on the bed, leaning on her forearm and thigh. The crumb is laid so that his body is perpendicular to the mother's body and is between him and the forearm. Being in this position, the mother must hold the baby's head with the palm of her hand.
  2. "Lying on his hand" is the most popular position, having taken it, my mother can relax and rest a little. The kid is put on the pillow on the barrel facing his mother so that his head is on her arm. So the child pulls himself to the breast and grasps the nipple. If a woman, being in this position, slightly lifts herself and leans on her arm, she can offer the baby another breast, however, it is impossible to feed the baby in this position for a long time.

How correctly to feed newborns sitting?

To properly feed a newborn baby with breast milk in a sitting position, you should place it on your arms in a cradle. To do this, the head must be placed on the fold of one hand, while the second mom should grab and hold the backrest. When the baby, being in this position, is deployed to the mother "belly to stomach", his mouth is located directly opposite the nipple, which greatly facilitates the seizure.

To change the chest in sitting position, the crumb will have to be shifted to the other hand, placing its head on the opposite elbow fold.