Ultrasound of the brain of newborns

In recent years, many children have observed abnormalities in the functioning of the brain and disorders of intracranial circulation. In this case, it is very important to diagnose in time to start treatment. One of the most sought-after methods of diagnosis is ultrasound of the brain of a newborn. Ultrasound allows to determine the presence of pathological neoplasms in the structure of the brain, to assess the state of blood vessels and tissues. And, at the same time, it is safe for the health of the child, does not cause him any inconvenience and does not require special preparation. This method is also called neurosonography , and it is increasingly used for preventive examinations of infants.

Why does the ultrasound of the brain do so early?

Ultrasonic waves can not penetrate the skull bones, but easily pass through soft tissues. Therefore, ultrasound of the brain is possible only in infants until a year, until the fontanelles have overgrown. Later, it will be problematic, and such a survey will be impossible. Ultrasound diagnosis is easily tolerated by children, does not have harmful effects on cells and does not take much time.

To whom is this examination shown?

All children under one year are advised to undergo ultrasound diagnosis. This will allow time to identify the pathology of the development of tissues and blood vessels of the brain. Usually, this examination is appointed in 1-3 months. But there are children to whom ultrasound is vital. They are diagnosed several times in order to follow the dynamics of recovery. Which children are required to have ultrasound of the brain:

What can be determined with the help of ultrasound?

What diseases are diagnosed with ultrasound?

Ultrasound helps to identify diseases:

All these diseases can lead to a delay in development, diseases of various organs or mental retardation. Therefore, it is very important to identify them as early as possible.

How is the ultrasound of the newborn's head done?

The procedure for ultrasound diagnosis does not require any preparation. The survey can be carried out even by sleeping children. The baby needs to be put on the couch on the right side of the doctor. Parents hold his head. The doctor lubricates the fontanel area with a special gel and places the ultrasound sensor there, slightly moving it to better view the tissues and blood vessels.

Usually the ultrasound of the brain is made to the child through the parietal fontanel and the temporal zones. If necessary, use the occipital region. The whole procedure takes about 10 minutes and the child is almost not noticed.

Even in the absence of any pathology, it is recommended that all children under the age of one do ultrasound of the brain. This inexpensive procedure will allow parents to make sure that their baby is all right.