Dwarf dogs

Miniature dogs are very popular with dog breeders, they are convenient to keep even in a small apartment. A dwarf dog does not have to walk every morning, you can arrange a toilet and a house in a dark corner.

Names and descriptions of dwarf dogs

Let's talk in more detail about small dogs.

Miniature Pinscher

These cute and gentle dogs are a small copy of the German pinscher. Despite its size, the dog is always ready to protect the owner, even if the opponent exceeds the dwarf pinscher in size and strength. You can keep it in a small apartment, the dog is sure to find there his corner and settle down.

Dwarf pinscher is sometimes called a rat-cat. He knows how to hunt mice and rats, and he can also try to catch a mole.

Dogs breed dwarf pinscher to old years remain playful and cheerful. At the half-year-old pups guard sentinels are already developing, such a kid will cloud all the unfamiliar guests in the house.

Pygmy poodle

These dogs are very smart, funny and well trained. They like to be in the center of attention and do various tricks.

Dogs of the dwarf poodle breed are jealous and are sensitive to the fact that the host communicates with other animals. Also these dogs do not tolerate loneliness.

Dogs of this breed require considerable care. The dog needs to bathe once a week, and also cut at least once every two months. It is necessary to regularly clean the ears and teeth of the dog.

Pygmy Pomeranian

These are very lively and intelligent dogs, they easily go to the contact. They get on well with children and take part in all household chores with pleasure.

From German Spitz, good guardians are obtained, as these dogs have a sharp ear. If the Spitz leave the house alone, then from the fear of being separated from his family, he will gnaw all things and bark loudly. But persevering workouts will help to cope with this problem.

Caring for a dog breeds dwarf pomeranus is rather laborious. Their long and thick coat requires regular combing, the dogs are very shedding. Also, about once every two weeks, you need to clean your ears and cut your claws.

The dwarf dog needs daily physical activity, so it is necessary to walk it several times a day.


This is a dwarfish breed of greyhounds. We can find it very rarely, because these dogs have a small number of litters. Lavrets are well suited for training and unusually hardy. In the care of these dogs are unpretentious, you just need to remember to clean their ears, teeth and cut their claws.

Dwarf Spaniel

This breed has two varieties: the papillon (with standing ears) and the phalen (with hanging ears).

Dwarf spaniels are very affectionate and agile. They do not need much traffic, but they like long walks with their host.

Care of the hair of these dwarf dogs is not complicated, you need to comb out regularly only a long coat on the paws, ears and tail.

Pygmy Pekingese

Legend has it that the Pekingese is the fruit of the love of a lion and a beautiful monkey, for which the king of beasts sacrificed dimensions.

These dogs are always ready for the games and very devoted to their master. The dog's muzzle is a dwarfish Pekingese similar to a monkey. Eyes that are particularly prominent, are planted shallowly and easily injured.

Care is mainly in the rare combing of long hair and daily eye hygiene.

For dwarf shorthaired dogs, you must always take care of clothes. In the cold season, on walks, they will freeze, unlike their long-haired relatives.

If you are at a loss with choosing a nickname for your dwarf dog, here are a few examples: Bentley, Loki, Tim, Lily, Cleo, Emeli.