Smooth-haired breeds of dogs

According to some information to date, there are about 500 dog breeds in the world, but for a city apartment, certainly, the best option will be a representative of the smooth-haired dog breed.

Small dogs

A small dog of smooth-haired breed is an ideal option for keeping in a small city apartment, smooth-haired small dogs almost do not shed, they can be accustomed to the tray, they do not need much physical exertion. The most popular are the following breeds:


Medium Dogs

Medium smooth-haired breeds of dogs are universal for keeping in an apartment, because not everyone likes small dogs, and pets of large breeds do not always have the opportunity to keep in the house. Perfectly suited for keeping in the apartment are medium-sized smooth-haired breeds of dogs, like:

Large dogs

Keep in the apartment a large breed of dogs, even if it is smooth-haired, very difficult, because in order to keep it in great shape, you need good food and long walks with physical exertion.

To large breeds of smooth-haired dogs are: