Salad with prunes and walnuts

The right combination of different products can be the source of the creation of truly best examples of culinary dishes. To a greater extent it is the salads that allow the cooks to conduct these experiments. And salads with prunes and walnuts, due to not only remarkable taste properties, but also beneficial influence on the human body, deservedly enjoy a special preference. Of these ingredients, complementing each other, more often in combination with dietary chicken meat, and less often with spicy cheese or other products, you get truly delicious dishes.

In any chicken salad with prunes and walnuts chicken meat can be used as in boiled, and smoked or fried form.

Consider the most famous recipes for salads with prunes and walnuts.

Puff pastry "Tenderness" with prunes and walnuts



Boiled in water with salt, and chilled chicken fillet cut into strips or, if desired, disassemble the hands on fibers. Boiled and peeled eggs are first disassembled into proteins and yolks, and then rub the yolks on a small grater, and squirrels on a large grater. Washed and dried cucumbers cut straws, kernels of walnuts crushed. Pour thoroughly washed prunes for fifteen minutes with hot water, then drain the water and cut the dried fruit straw.

Now proceed to the design of the salad. At the bottom of the salad bowl we lay out the chicken, cover it with a thick mayonnaise mesh, then a layer of prunes and nuts on top. The next layer will be proteins, greased with mayonnaise. Then we spread the cucumber straw and again the mayonnaise mesh. The final layer will be yolks. We decorate our salad with nuts, herbs and let it soak for several hours.

"Birch" salad with prunes and walnuts



Chicken fillet boil in water, adding a little large salt, and cut into strips.

Peeled and diced onions, fry in oil for three minutes, add washed and chopped mushrooms, salt and fry until done. Pre-filled for fifteen minutes with boiled water prunes we take out of the water, cut into strips. Just cut fresh cucumbers. Cooked eggs are cleaned and rub the proteins and yolks into separate plates. Walnuts are well chopped with a knife.

At the bottom of the dishes for the salad dressing, we first put the prunes, then the roast with the mushrooms. The next layer we will have chopped chicken meat. On it we lay egg white and on top a fresh cucumber. Each of these layers is covered with mayonnaise mesh. To decorate, mix grated yolks, chopped nuts and cover the top of the salad.

Let the salad soak for several hours and proceed to decorate. Top with mayonnaise we draw a birch trunk, black stripes on a birch tree are made from prunes, we form the crown from green sliced ​​onions or parsley, and from dill weed.

It turns out very beautiful and very delicious. Such an elegant salad will be a worthy decoration of the festive table and will not leave your relatives and guests indifferent.