"Hedgehogs" in the multivariate

Of course, the name of the meatballs "Hedgehogs" is quite imaginative. In fact, a dish with such an intriguing name has little to do with cute insectivorous, just rice grains in the stuffing stick outward in the manner of the hedgehog needle. The playful fantasy of housewives, in the end, turned into a full-fledged dish with such a strange name. In the recipes, we'll talk about how to cook "Hedgehogs" in a multivariate.

"Hedgehogs" with gravy in a multivark - recipe

Tomato sauce to meat mitbols - classic. The prepared dish can be served separately, used for making pizza, pasta, sandwiches or as an addition to any side dishes.



We warm up the cup of the multivark in the "Bake" mode. Pour the oil in the bowl, add the same finely chopped onions and pass it for 3-4 minutes. We add garlic to the onion and wait about another minute. Fill the vegetables in a bowl of tomatoes in their own juice, pour in the broth and switch to "Quenching". After 20 minutes, tomatoes should turn from whole fruits into a homogeneous sauce.

Mix the minced meat with rice, herbs and spices to taste. Using a tablespoon, measure equal portions of meat and shape them into balls. Beef beads put in tomato sauce and re-close the bowl of the device. Meat hedgehogs in the multivark will be ready after 40 minutes of cooking in the same mode.

Serve them best at once, while hot, however, and in a cold form the lion's share of their stunning taste will remain.

Chicken "Hedgehogs" in a multivariate

Chicken meatballs in creamy sauce are good not only on their own, but also in a company of pasta or mashed potatoes. A hearty and delicious dinner is provided in the shortest time.



The first thing you need to do is dressing. For sauce on melted butter, fry the flour for 40 seconds on the "Baking", and then pour it with milk. We wait until the sauce thickens, and we pour it into a separate container.

Chicken is twisted into minced meat along with onions, add greens and dried mint, spices, and then with a mixture of minced beads of equal volume. Using the same regime, fry the chicken balls from all sides until they grab, and then pour the prepared sauce and switch to "Quenching". Preparation of hedgehogs in the multivark will take about 20 minutes, after which they can be served with any garnish.

Delicious meatballs "Hedgehogs" in the multivark

Despite the fact that all the above recipes are already quite dietetic, it's even more healthy to make a dish if you cook steamed meat for a couple and without adding fat.



Thoroughly wash rice grains under a cold running water. We pass the bulb through a meat grinder or we rub it in a blender, and add the resulting puree to the turkey minced meat along with the spices. There we also ship a chicken egg, which will allow the meatballs to keep their shape and not fall apart. Mix the minced meat with the washed rice and the mold from the resulting mass of meatballs of equal size (in all, out of such a quantity of ingredients, about 20 pieces should come out).

Lay the meatballs in a steaming container and place them over the filled water to the specified level. "Hedgehogs" for a couple in the multivark will be prepared in the "Steam cooking" mode for 50 minutes.