Functional dyspepsia

The disease, accompanied by a periodic or regular feeling of discomfort in the stomach, is diagnosed as chronic gastritis or functional dyspepsia. This condition is not dangerous and usually does not cause complications, but significantly worsens well-being and reduces work capacity.

Functional dyspepsia syndrome

The considered pathology is considered a biopsychosocial disease and is classified as follows:

  1. Nonspecific. Complaints of the patient are symptomatic similar to cholecystitis and peptic ulcer, the clinical manifestations are weak, appear not often, but are quite intense.
  2. Dyskinetic. There is nausea, a feeling of heaviness and overcrowding of the stomach, rapid saturation, even from a small amount of food.
  3. It is ulcerative. Basically, pain predominates in the epigastric region and the epigastric region.

In the latter case, the cause of the syndrome may be increased production of hydrochloric acid and its concentration. Non-ulcerative functional gastric dyspepsia occurs against a background of constant stress, mental and emotional overload. In addition, the aggravating factors are: increased sensitivity of the walls of the stomach to distension due to food intake, internal irritation of the mucous membrane.

Diet with functional dyspepsia

Most patients associate the appearance of a characteristic symptomatology of the disease with the reception of a certain type of food. Therefore, gastroenterologists recommend to adjust the diet in accordance with their own sensations. In fact, there are no valid prohibitions on certain products, but it is advisable to refrain from stomach irritating foods:

With a swelling and a sense of heaviness, it is advisable to take food in small portions 6-7 times a day, while monitoring the digestive system response to consumed food. In some cases, good results are caused by the refusal of lactose, although it is not worth completely eliminating any products. Many patients report that they feel much better, adhering to the lean, Asian and Mediterranean diet .

It should be noted that to provoke an aggravation of dyspepsia can the reception of non-steroid anesthetics, biologically active additives with elevated iron content.

Treatment of functional dyspepsia of the stomach

Depending on the type of pathology and the possible causes of its occurrence, various experimental medicinal methods are used. Complex schemes usually consist of the following drugs:

1. Prokinetics, improving motility and motor functions of the stomach:

2. Means, suppressing the production of acid:

3. Antidepressants and sedatives, better - of plant origin, especially if the determining factor for the occurrence of dyspepsia is stress and emotional stress:

As medical practice shows, often such care is not enough, so many patients are prescribed sanatorium treatment, sessions with the therapist. Full rest with special procedures, as well as professional help, contribute to the normalization of a person's psychological state, which makes it possible to almost completely get rid of the clinical manifestations of the disease.