Tonsillitis - symptoms

Tonsillitis is called inflammation of the tonsils and mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. The most common symptoms of tonsillitis are caused by viruses and bacteria. This is one of the most problematic diseases, because it is quite painful. And the treatment of tonsillitis can sometimes stretch for several weeks.

The main symptoms of tonsillitis in adults

In the throat of any person there are six tonsils. One pair is hidden deep and it is almost impossible to consider it. One tonsil is located at the top of the pharynx and the root of the tongue. Another pair of tonsils is in the sky on both sides of the pharynx, and they are called glands.

Tonsils are needed to perform the protective function of the body. It is the tonsils that become the first barrier to viruses and bacteria trying to penetrate the throat or nose.

The acute form of the disease occurs most often. Noticing the following symptoms of acute viral tonsillitis, it is urgent to start treatment:

Sometimes the symptoms of tonsillitis can be even pain in the abdomen and ears, as well as the appearance of a rash on the body. But most often the disease begins with a throat. Moreover, the pain in tonsillitis differs from a similar symptom arising in ARVI or even the flu. The inflammation of the tonsils makes itself felt very clearly - the throat hurts so much that it is difficult for a patient to simply communicate, not to mention eating and swallowing.

An important symptom of acute bacterial or viral tonsillitis is the appearance of a purulent deposit on the glands. It can completely cover the pharynx or be point-like - in the form of numerous, distinctly prominent, pustules.

From viral bacterial tonsillitis is distinguished by the patient's well-being. At the initial stage, the symptoms of diseases are identical. But as the temperature decreases, the well-being of patients with viral tonsillitis gradually improves. While patients with a bacterial form of the disease continue to experience severe weakness and malaise.

Chronic tonsillitis

The chronic form of tonsillitis is considered even more unpleasant and dangerous. He gives in to treatment more poorly, and gives problems in the order more. With symptoms that signal an exacerbation of chronic decompensated tonsillitis, you need to apply urgently to a specialist. This form of the disease is terrible because the body can not cope with it with its own forces. The main features of it are:

And the most worrying are the symptoms of allergic tonsillitis. This is another form of chronic tonsillitis, which, in addition to a disgusting state of health, is also fraught with serious complications. Against the background of toxic-allergic tonsillitis, lymphadenitis can develop, often there are problems with the cardiovascular system, kidneys, joints.

Having determined the disease at the initial stage, you can cope with it with the help of ordinary herbal rinses and sprays. But if you give tonsillitis even a little development, without a course of antibiotics to overcome it will be almost impossible. Suitable funds, their dosage and the duration of treatment will be determined by a specialist.