Kalanchoe from the cold

Many homes have Kalanchoe Degremona, but not everyone knows that this is not only decorative, but also a medicinal plant. You will be surprised to learn how many useful properties it has and how many diseases it can cure. At the same time the Kalanchoe does not require any special care in return, it is unpretentious and hardy, it reproduces quickly and easily. Therefore, it is free to start those who do not like or do not have time to look after the flowers.

In this article, we will consider the method of using Kalanchoe in the treatment of the common cold. This method is an affordable alternative to pharmacy products, and their effectiveness is not inferior to them.

Therapeutic properties of the Kalanchoe in the cold

A curative effect is possessed by the entire terrestrial part of the plant, it is convenient to use the leaves from which medicines are made. In its composition Kalanchoe contains polysaccharides, organic acids, enzymes, mineral salts, vitamins. This plant has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, so with a cold, the therapeutic Kalanchoe can alleviate the symptoms of the disease and accelerate recovery, fighting the pathogenic microflora.

How to treat a cold in the Kalanchoe?

From the common cold, Kalanchoe is used in the form of juice, which is very easy to obtain at home. To do this you need:

  1. Cut several mature leaves of the plant, which before this week was not watered. Then wash them, put them in the refrigerator and hold them there at a temperature of +1 to +10 ° C for 4 to 5 days. During this time in the leaves of Kalanchoe formed and accumulate biologically active substances, irreplaceable in the treatment of various diseases, including the common cold.
  2. Next, the leaves should be ground, placed in a bowl (non-metallic) and rubbed with a wooden spoon into the gruel.
  3. After that, through the cheesecloth, juice should be filtered, which can later be stored in a refrigerator in a closed glass container.
  4. Before use, the Kalanchoe juice should be heated in a water bath or held for about half an hour at room temperature.

Concentrated Kalanchoe juice is a very powerful remedy that can only be used for adults. If the Kalanchoe juice is used for children against cold, then it should be diluted with boiled water two to three times or a decoction of Kalanchoe. To prepare a decoction, you should:

  1. Prepared leaves of the plant to grind and pour water on the basis of one serving of raw materials, five portions of water.
  2. Then put on the stove and simmer for about 3 minutes over low heat, cool and strain through gauze.
  3. Juice or decoction of Kalanchoe should be dig in the nose three times a day for 2 - 3 drops in each nostril. It should be prepared for the fact that after such a procedure, sneezing and abundant discharge of mucus usually begins.

You can also wipe the nasal passages with a cotton swab moistened with Kalanchoe juice. This procedure can be repeated 3 to 4 times a day.

Contra-indications of Kalanchoe

Juice Kalanchoe in the treatment of the common cold can be mixed in equal proportions with the juice of aloe or juice of onions and dig in the nose three times a day for 2 to 3 drops.

When pregnancy Kalanchoe from the common cold can not be used. It is also contraindicated for people with low blood pressure and allergies. In order to avoid an allergic reaction before applying the calanchoe, it is recommended to conduct a test for sensitivity to this plant. To do this, one drop of juice (or decoction) of Kalanchoe must be applied to the inside of the nostril. When there is swelling or other signs of allergy, you must abandon this medication.