Treatment of sex of female and male diseases

Intimacy with a loved one can improve mood and reduce stress. There is an opinion that effective treatment is the sex of patients. At what diseases the sexual certificate will promote convalescence and whether it is possible to be engaged in sex at treatment?

What diseases treat sex?

There is an opinion that sex cures all diseases. However, not everyone agrees that it is really effective to treat sex. Doctors say that intimate proximity has a beneficial effect on the body and can alleviate a person's condition with such diseases and conditions:

Treatment of depression with sex

If we talk about whether it is really effective treatment of diseases with sex, it is important to understand the cause of the disease. Sometimes you can hear the opinion that sexual intercourse can help to cope with depression , because during intimacy, hormones of joy are produced. However, psychotherapists say that it is possible to improve the patient's condition with the help of medication and psychotherapeutic therapy.

With regard to such a method as sex treatment, in this case it will not have the desired effect. Intimate intimacy is only able to bring the desired joy for a while, but the state of mind can not be cured. Although in some cases, because of the lack of regular sexual relations, a person develops depression.

Treatment of dementia by sex

There is an opinion that even dementia treats sex. With dementia, you do not need to rush to give up sexual life. Sometimes intimate intimacy continues to bind people for many years. And there are also couples in which, in time, only the spiritual connection remains. Often, doctors notice a dementic patient's increased sexual activity, which for a partner can be a pleasant surprise. If such activity for a loved one is not a very welcome gift, in a difficult situation there will be a demented person.

When a patient's libido increases, failure and avoidance for him will be the most traumatic. The most appropriate for the family is the shift of attention to other activities. This will prevent the aggression caused by refusal. In an extreme case, as an option, you can use drugs (tranquilizers). However, one must understand that this is a temporary measure. After some time, the development of the disease will lead to a decrease in interest in sex.

Sex cures headache

Leading active sex life people know about the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Very often intimate affinity helps with migraines. This is simply due to the fact that when excited, as well as orgasm, the level of endorphins and corticosteroids (natural pain relievers) in the blood increases. It becomes obvious that at the end of the sexual act the headaches will disappear.

Sex cures colds

Favorably affects intimate affinity and the immune system as a whole. It is known about the effectiveness of treating colds with sex. Researchers have proved that the presence of sexual intercourse at least once a week can triple the level of immunostimulating antibodies - immunoglobulin A, that can protect the body from respiratory viruses. In addition, the proximity with a loved one will give you a good feeling, and this is already a sure step on the road to recovery.

Sex cures the blood vessels

Men are often interested in whether sex is treated with blood vessels. It can be unequivocally said that it contributes to their strengthening. Scientists have proved that with a regular intimate affinity (2-3 times a week) in men aged 40-55 years, the risk of heart attack and stroke is reduced by half. As for the cases of sudden infarctions during intimacy, this is due to physical overstrain.

In addition, sexual intercourse can improve blood circulation . At this time dozens of muscles begin to work. Interestingly, some of them remain unused even with intensive training in the gym. During intercourse, the heart actively pumps blood, which goes through the vessels with even greater pressure. As a result, not only the smallest capillaries can be opened, but even new ones can sprout.

Sex cures female diseases

Gynecologists often say that regular sex life is a guarantee of women's health. However, women are interested in how effective sex treatment is. Studies conducted by endocrinologists of one of the Colombian universities showed that in women with sexual activity, at least once a week the monthly cycle becomes more regular, and critical days are less painful.

According to scientists, the female body is favorably influenced not by the sexual act itself, but by the sensations accompanying it. In this case, gynecologists deny information about the effectiveness of treatment for endometriosis with sex. To get rid of this disease, you need to undergo a course of hormonal therapy and, if necessary, do laparoscopy.

Treatment of prostatitis in men having sex

Therapy of prostatitis is aimed at improving the drainage of the prostate gland, in other words devastating it from the accumulated secret. For this reason, in addition to drug therapy, urologists often prescribe prostate massage. The treatment of prostatitis with sex will also be effective. However, with inflammation of the prostate gland, the synthesis of testosterone in the testicles is reduced, resulting in the disappearance of sexual attraction. Will not contribute to libido and soreness in orgasm, which are during chronic prostatitis. In addition, the secret accumulates, and the inflammation intensifies.