How to improve the blood circulation of the body?

Blood vessels deliver nutrients and oxygen to each organ. If they do not function well, the cells will "starve". Some of them will die, others will stop performing their functions and this can provoke the development of irreversible processes in the body. Avoid such unpleasant consequences if you know how to improve the circulation of the body.

Preparations for the improvement of blood circulation

Some of the best drugs that improve blood circulation in blood vessels are:

These drugs quickly improve the functioning of the heart and help restore the normal functioning of the entire cardiovascular system. If the blood supply is very poor in several internal organs (including in the pelvic organs), it is better to take Litovit B or Reoton Complex. They perfectly clean the vessels and help restore the work of the organs in just a couple of days.

Effective drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain are:

They also increase memory and mental activity.

Folk ways to improve blood circulation

Improve blood circulation in the body can be and with the help of such a popular means, as tincture of hawthorn .



Fill the hawthorn with alcohol and put the mixture in a cool and dark place for 21 days. In a day it should be shaken. Ready extract infuse and take 20-30 drops once a day for 30 days.

To strengthen the cardiovascular system and restore normal blood circulation will help and tincture from the orchis .



Cut the rhizomes into several pieces and place them in a container of dark glass. Fill the raw material with alcohol and put it in a dark place for 14 days. Ready tincture should be taken on 10 ml on an empty stomach for 3 weeks.