Antiphospholipid syndrome - what is the danger of the disease and how to fight it?

The composition of all cells of the body includes esters of higher fatty acids and polyhydric alcohols. These chemical compounds are called phospholipids, they are responsible for maintaining the correct structure of tissues, participate in metabolic processes and in the cleavage of cholesterol. The general health condition depends on the concentration of these substances.

AFS-syndrome - what is it?

About 35 years ago, rheumatologist Graham Hughes discovered a pathology in which the immune system begins to produce specific antibodies against phospholipids. They attach to platelets and vascular walls, interact with proteins, enter into metabolic and clotting reactions. Both the secondary and primary syndrome of antiphospholipid antibodies is an autoimmune disease of unexplained origin. This problem is more likely to affect young women of reproductive age.

Antiphospholipid syndrome - causes

To rheumatologists yet it was not possible to establish, why there is a considered illness or disease. There is information that antiphospholipid syndrome is more often diagnosed in relatives with a similar disorder. In addition to heredity, experts suggest several other factors that provoke pathology. In such cases, a secondary AFS develops - the causes of antibody production consist in the progression of other diseases affecting the functioning of the immune system. The strategy of therapy depends on the mechanisms of the onset of the disease.

Primary antiphospholipid syndrome

This type of pathology develops independently, and not against the background of some disorders in the body. This syndrome of antiphospholipid antibodies is difficult to treat because of the lack of provoking factors. Often the primary form of the disease is almost asymptomatic and is diagnosed already in the late stages of progression or in the event of complications.

Secondary antiphospholipid syndrome

This variant of an autoimmune reaction develops due to the presence of other systemic diseases or certain clinical events. The impetus to the beginning of pathological development of antibodies can even be conception. Antiphospholipid syndrome in pregnant women is found in 5% of cases. If the disease in question was diagnosed earlier, bearing will greatly exacerbate its course.

Diseases that are supposedly provoking an antiphospholipid syndrome:

Antiphospholipid syndrome - symptoms in women

The clinical picture of pathology is very diverse and nonspecific, which complicates differential diagnosis. Sometimes the disorder occurs without any signs, but more often antiphospholipid syndrome manifests itself in the form of recurrent thrombosis of superficial and deep blood vessels (arteries or veins):

Common symptoms in women:

Antiphospholipid syndrome - diagnosis

It is difficult to confirm the presence of the described pathology, because it masks for other diseases, has nonspecific signs. To diagnose the disease, doctors use 2 groups of classification criteria. An examination for an antiphospholipid syndrome first involves the collection of an anamnesis. The first type of evaluation indicators include clinical phenomena:

  1. Vascular thrombosis. The medical history should contain one or more cases of damage to the veins or arteries established instrumentally and laboratory.
  2. Obstetrical pathology. The criterion is taken into account if intrauterine fetal death took place after the 10th week of gestation or premature birth was observed before 34 weeks of gestation in the absence of chromosomal, hormonal and anatomical defects from the parents.

After the medical history is collected, the doctor appoints additional studies. Antiphospholipid syndrome is confirmed when there is a combination of one clinical symptom and a laboratory criterion (minimum). In parallel, a number of differential diagnostic measures are carried out. For this, the specialist recommends that you undergo examinations that exclude similar diseases.

Antiphospholipid syndrome - analysis

The detection of laboratory signs of the present disorder is facilitated by the study of biological fluids. The doctor appoints to donate blood for antiphospholipid syndrome to determine the presence of plasma and serum antibodies to cardiolipins and lupus anticoagulant. Additionally, the following can be detected:

Sometimes a genetic study is recommended that allows finding the markers of antiphospholipid syndrome:

How is antiphospholipid syndrome treated?

Therapy of this autoimmune disorder depends on its form (primary, secondary) and the severity of clinical signs. Complications arise if a pregnant woman has an antiphospholipid syndrome - treatment should effectively stop the symptoms of the disease, prevent thrombosis, and in parallel do not pose a hazard to the fetus. To achieve lasting improvements, rheumatologists use a combined therapeutic approach.

Is it possible to cure an antiphospholipid syndrome?

Completely get rid of the described problem is impossible, until the causes of its occurrence are established. Antiphospholipid syndrome requires complex treatment aimed at reducing the number of appropriate antibodies in the blood and preventing thromboembolic complications. In severe course of the disease, anti-inflammatory therapy is required.

Treatment of antiphospholipid syndrome - current recommendations

The main way to eliminate the signs of this pathology is the use of antiaggregants and anticoagulants of indirect action:

How to treat antiphospholipid syndrome - clinical recommendations:

  1. Refuse from smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs, oral contraceptives.
  2. Correct the diet in favor of foods rich in vitamin K - green tea, liver, leafy green vegetables.
  3. Complete rest, observe the regime of the day.

If standard therapy is ineffective, the practice of prescribing additional medications is:

Traditional medicine with antiphospholipid syndrome

There are no effective alternative methods of treatment, the only option is the replacement of acetylsalicylic acid with natural raw materials. Antiphospholipid syndrome can not be stopped with the help of folk recipes, because natural anticoagulants have too mild effect. Before using any alternative means it is important to consult a rheumatologist. Only an expert will help alleviate the antiphospholipid syndrome - the doctor's recommendations should be strictly observed.

Tea with aspirin properties


Preparation, use :

  1. Vegetable raw material thoroughly rinse and grind.
  2. Brew willow bark with boiling water, insist 20-25 minutes.
  3. Drink the solution like tea 3-4 times a day, you can sweeten to taste.

Antiphospholipid syndrome - prognosis

All rheumatologist patients with the presented diagnosis should be observed for a long time and regularly undergo preventive examinations. How long can I live with an antiphospholipid syndrome, depends on its form, severity and the presence of concomitant immunological disorders. If a primary APS with moderate symptoms is detected, timely therapy and preventive treatment help to avoid complications, the prognosis in such cases is maximally favorable.

Aggravating factors are the combination of the disease in question with lupus erythematosus, thrombocytopenia, persistent arterial hypertension and other pathologies. In these situations, often develops antiphospholipid complex syndrome (catastrophic), which is characterized by an increase in clinical signs and recurring thrombosis. Some consequences can end fatal.

Antiphospholipid syndrome and pregnancy

The described disease is a common cause of miscarriage, so all future mothers should undergo a prophylactic examination and donate blood to a coagulogram. Antiphospholipid syndrome in obstetrics is considered a serious factor provoking fetal death and miscarriage, but its presence is not a verdict. A woman with such a diagnosis is able to bear and give birth to a healthy baby if during pregnancy she will follow all the doctor's recommendations and take antiaggregants.

A similar scheme is used when artificial insemination is planned. Antiphospholipid syndrome and IVF are completely compatible, only they will have to undergo a course of antithrombotic drugs. The use of anticoagulants and antiaggregants will continue throughout the entire period of gestation. The effectiveness of such treatment is close to 100%.