Is it possible to keep ficus at home?

All household plants are divided into good, bad and neutral by their influence on humans. This division is most often based on folk signs and the teachings of feng shui. That's why many doubt before buying a fig , can it be kept in the house, is it harmful? Let's try to understand this in our article.

Can ficus be grown at home?

Ficus is one of the oldest species of plants. It was known even to the ancient Slavs. That's why there are many signs about him. Such as:

  1. If you were given a ficus - then wait for the addition in the family. To bring this event closer, a woman should take care of a young plant, like a small child: give him a name, talk with him and wipe the leaves daily.
  2. In ancient times, the ficus was considered a flower, which generates quarrels between family members and is weaved about the owner of the dwelling.
  3. Ficus brings happiness, prosperity and luck to the house. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the house, driving away trouble from it, absorbing negative energy and making it calm and cozy.

Based on these signs, we can say with confidence that for the house from the ficus is only good. That's why you can safely begin to grow it in living quarters. But it is very important to choose the right grade.

An exception for growing at home is the type of ficus that excrete rubber and milky juice. The first are dangerous for the health of asthmatics, as they can provoke a coughing attack, and the second - cause allergies in humans and in animals (in the form of respiratory failure).

Scientists also give an unambiguous answer to the question: "Is it bad or good to keep the ficus at home?". The surface of the leaves is very active in absorbing formaldehydes released by plastic objects from the air. This has a positive effect on the state of human health, it becomes more calm and balanced. That's why they say that this flower can transform emotions, absorb negative and fill positive people around him.

It can also be used as a medicine. Ficus leaves can be used to treat bronchitis. To do this, they should be boiled, smeared with honey and applied as a compress in the chest area. Since the juice of this plant has an antitumor effect, it can be treated with mastopathy.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude: to keep the ficus of the house very useful.