Curly houseplants

Curly houseplants are designed to decorate the room. Such flowers contribute to the creation of a unique design of a living room or office. Often climbing plants decorate vertical surfaces. Especially successful is the breeding of such flowers in small rooms with insufficient lighting. They are able to revitalize the situation, make the room more spacious and comfortable. Due to the long curly shoots having antennae or air roots, the vines can climb up to a large height. Grow climbing plants in hanging baskets, pots or pots. Decorate with such plants can be a living room and a bedroom, a nursery, a kitchen and even a corridor. Beautifully look the composition, composed of different, similar in the way of content, curling flowers.

Types of frizzy houseplants

There are many types of curly indoor flowers, which, according to their conditions, can be divided into amp and lianas. You can distinguish them by the nature of growth: the ample varieties grow on the hill and lower their long, flexible shoots down, and the lianas grow in all directions, clinging to everything that comes their way. A vivid example of ampel house plants is alsobia - a plant for hanging pots. To room lianas is, for example, epipremnum - unpretentious fast-growing houseplant with fleshy green leaves.

Among the most popular climbing houseplants we note the following:

Care for indoor climbing plants

Almost all indoor climbing plants belong to the shade-loving and unpretentious in the care of types of flowers. Such plants are better to establish so that their foliage does not come into contact with each other. They like frequent regular watering and spraying because they grow high above the floor and therefore the ground in the pots dries up rather. However, their watering is not a very simple procedure, since almost all room-woven lianas are located high above the floor. Therefore, before starting watering on a pot or a basket with a curling room flower, you must put on a bathing cap or a plastic bag, and after an hour carefully remove it with the accumulated water.

In the case when pots with curly flowers hang on the wall, a piece of ice can be placed on the ground near the flower. As the ice melts, water will flow into the ground, but it will not spill onto the floor. Spraying is very useful for climbing plants: their leaves will not dry up, become green and elastic.

To create beautiful compositions from winding indoor plants, various gratings, stands or simply twine are used. The shoots of the flower should be tied to these devices so that they would be dragged along the wall or the window. For example, lianas ivy is an excellent ornament for the office. It can be grown using supports or to allow free growth. In addition to regular watering, periodic pruning of overgrown stems is required.

Place room shade-resistant climbing plants in places that are protected from sunlight. But there are plants that, on the contrary, love sunlight. For example, ivy wax, or hoya - a blossoming climbing houseplant, on the fleshy petioles of which are located fragrant pink wax flowers. If his keep in a sunny place, then bloom will be annual. You can grow it in hanging baskets, tied the branches to the trellis.

The winding Tunberia blooms with beautiful blue, white, purple, yellow flowers collected in a brush. The plant is photophilous, loves copious watering and moist air.

With proper maintenance and care of climbing plants, you can grow in your room or office a beautiful indoor vertical garden that will not only clean the air in the room, but also create a wonderful mood for all its inhabitants.