Flowers-perennials for summer cottages

The ornament of any garden site is a flower garden, therefore gardeners very carefully select flowers for planting: that were beautiful and they did not require a very complex care. In this respect, flowers are ideal for summer cottages, perennials, which do not need to be planted annually and are characterized by higher resistance to weather conditions.

To say definitely what perennial flowers are the best for a dacha is impossible, since it depends on the preferences of the gardener himself. And to make it easier to choose in this article, let's look at what flower-perennials are best for making flowerbeds at the dacha.

The world of flowers is very diverse, and depending on the characteristics of cultivation and structure, varieties of perennial flowers for cottages are: curly, unpretentious, shade-loving, undersized, wintering and not wintering, grassy and shrubby.

Unpretentious perennial flowers for summer residence

They tolerate winters well even with severe frosts and do not require complex care. These include flowers from the family bulbs:

And also long-term flax, catchments, peonies.

Shade-perennial perennial plants for cottages:

In the penumbra they grow well:

Tall perennials for summer cottages

They are also called Gullivers. It:

Perennial undersized flowers for cottages:

Planting tall and dwarf flowers in one flowerbed, you can create beautiful compositions. But it should be borne in mind that tall plants should be located either in the middle, or along the fence, or as a separate composition.

Curly perennial flowers for summer cottages:

When planting such flowers, it should be remembered that they need a support, so they should be planted near a fence, workbenches, verandas, gazebo and other structures on which they can drag themselves up.

The most popular and beautiful perennial flowers for cottages are: peonies, roses, phloxes, chrysanthemums, asters, hydrangeas, lilies of the valley, adonis, cornflowers. Their variety of varieties and colors can decorate any flowerbed or front garden.

Also worth noting that there are flowers-perennials that do not hibernate in the open ground. These include dahlias, canna, gladiolus, montbretia, tuberose, and gazaniya. For the winter they should be excavated and stored under certain conditions, and in the beginning of spring they should be planted again on the site.

Choosing perennial flowers for planting in the country, should take into account not only the characteristics of cultivation, but also the flowering time. Better, if the plants planted on the same flowerbed, will bloom alternately:

In addition, the color of the planted flowers and their combination should be taken into account. In order not to forget which shade you planted, you can stick a stick stained with a paint of this color next to it. Then it will be possible to pick up a beautiful combination even in the flowering season.