Red root - medicinal properties and contraindications

Previously, a herbaceous perennial, related to leguminous crops, was called a penny-bearer, forgotten or tea. Because of the small spread of the plant (only the Altai Territory and Mongolia) the recipes on its basis for a long time kept secret and were the prerogative of exclusively Siberian healers. Today both in folk and conservative medicine the red root is actively used - the medicinal properties and contra-indications of perennial are oriented mainly to men, but for the fine half of mankind the use of a penny is very useful.

Therapeutic properties of the red root for women

All the medicinal qualities of the described plant are determined by its unique composition:

The main medicinal properties of the red root:

As for the female body, the tea cube is very rich in natural phytoestrogens, which facilitate the course of menopause. Moreover, the drugs from the plant in question are excellent for gynecological inflammations and diseases.

Indications and contraindications to funds from the red root

Diseases and pathological conditions in which it is advisable to use a penny:

The basic contraindications to preparations on the basis of a red root:

Areas of application of the tincture of the red root and contraindications to its administration

Spirituous infusion, which is freely sold in the pharmacy chain, or manufactured independently, is recommended for gynecological, digestive, neurological and cardiovascular diseases. As a supporting treatment, the drug is also prescribed for pathology of the lungs and bronchi.

In addition, tincture of a penny can be used as an immunostimulant and prevention of viral infections and beriberi, especially in winter and autumn.

In addition to the main contraindications listed above, the described agent can not be used during the hot season, it is strictly forbidden to combine its use with the administration of any antibiotics.