Far Eastern Schizandra - medicinal properties and contraindications

A large number of people involved in the cultivation of different ornamental plants do not think about their properties. They include the Far Eastern Schizandra, which since ancient times was used as a source of folk remedies.

What is the magnolia vine of Far East?

This name is used to describe a woody vine, in which the stems and leaves give off a pleasant lemon flavor. In a young plant, the stem has a yellowish bark, and over time it darkens. In nature there are up to 25 varieties, but in folk medicine only two of them are used. The Far Eastern berry of Schizandra is included in the recipes of folk medicine along with leaves, bark and seeds. The bark can be harvested only in the spring, but it is better to collect the stems during the fruiting period. Collection of leaves should be carried out in August.

Lemongrass Far Eastern - medicinal properties and contraindications

Numerous useful properties are associated with the rich chemical composition of this plant. Schizandra Far-Eastern, whose benefit and harm is investigated by scientists, contains essential oils, lignans, vitamin E and C, mineral salts, acids and fatty oils. The plant can boast of the presence of tannins, pectins and so on. Before use, consult a doctor to avoid possible contraindications.

Far Eastern Schisandra - medicinal properties

Means that include the presented plant are considered to be particularly effective on a par with ginseng. The plant of the Far-Eastern Schizandra has the following properties:

  1. Activates metabolic processes and reduces the concentration of lactic acid in muscle tissue, which is important for athletes.
  2. Improves the functioning of the nervous system, helping to better adapt to stress, new climatic conditions and sharp weather changes.
  3. It helps to concentrate your attention better and activates mental functions.
  4. It has the ability to sharpen the eyesight, relieving the feeling of fatigue and turbidity, so the Far Eastern Schizandra is recommended for people who spend a lot of time at the computer or experiencing other visual loads.
  5. It is recommended to use in the treatment and to prevent the occurrence of colds, and it is explained by the presence of a powerful immunostimulating action.
  6. Favorably affects metabolism, contributes to lowering the level of sugar and cholesterol, and also increases the level of hemoglobin of the blood.
  7. It is externally useful to use for alopecia and as a cosmetic product for caring for hair and skin.
  8. Positively affects the activity of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory organs.
  9. Improves sexual function and increases sexual activity and this applies to both men and women.
  10. Can be used as an additional means for losing weight, as the plant increases energy consumption, removes harmful products from the body, increases metabolism and improves the functioning of the digestive system.

Lemongrass Far East - contraindications

To make the plant exceptionally useful, it is necessary to take into account the existing list of contraindications:

  1. Since lemongrass is a tonic, it can not be used for pathologies associated with the cardiovascular system and with hypertension.
  2. The root of magnolia vine of the Far East and other parts of the plant can cause an exacerbation of the stomach ulcer. You can not use plant raw materials for infectious diseases.
  3. The presence of CNS disorders as a result of craniocerebral tissue, mental disorders and epileptic seizures.
  4. You can not take folk remedies by pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  5. With excessive consumption of Far Eastern magnolia vine can cause pain in the chest and problems in the work of the digestive tract.

Lemur of Far East - application

Since ancient times people knew that the presented plant can be used in the treatment of various diseases. Finding out how useful the lemongrass of the Far East, it is worth pointing out that according to the reviews it will be effective in the decline of forces after the diseases, with external application, to stimulate the work of the heart and blood vessels, and even with hypotension and diseases associated with the work of the genitourinary and respiratory system. Preparations containing lemongrass are successfully used in dermatology.

Lemongrass Far East for potency

A useful plant will be for the stronger sex, because it is considered a powerful aphrodisiac. It was proved that the magnolia vine for men is useful in that it does not allow premature ejaculation, strengthens the erection and stimulates the production of sperm. It is recommended to use folk recipes as a prophylaxis for the development of impotence. Lemur of Far Eastern, as Viagra is used in the form of tincture.



  1. Mix and insist for two weeks.
  2. After that, strain and consume 30 drops three times a day before eating.

Lemongrass Far East in bodybuilding

Scientists have determined that the tincture, prepared on the basis of the presented plant, has a strong tonic effect, so it can be used as a natural dope. Given this, it can be taken by people who are engaged in sports, to cope with a sense of fatigue and get a charge of energy. Bodybuilders use tincture in the period of rapid weight gain. In the information on how to take lemongrass Far Eastern, it is indicated that the drug should be taken by 15 drops, adding them to 200 ml of water, two or three times a day before meals or after it.