Chicory root

A wonderful and useful alternative to coffee is the root of chicory - a fragrant drink from it is shown in many diseases as a means of treatment, but it is also taken for preventive purposes. Let's consider, than this product is useful.

Therapeutic properties of chicory roots

The drink from roots has:

Broth raises appetite, improves digestion and blood circulation in the liver, helps to remove stones from the gallbladder.

The properties of the root of chicory are largely due to the content in it of inulin - a natural bifidostimulator, thanks to which a healthy microflora lives in the intestine. The composition of the spine removes inflammation in the stomach and intestines, so the decoction from this raw material is widely used in the fight against diseases of the digestive tract:

The root of chicory was found and as a means to improve the functioning of the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system. Reminiscent of coffee, which does not contain harmful caffeine, but is rich in vitamins B and potassium, the drink is shown:

Alcohol tinctures from the spine are used in the treatment of skin diseases:

be careful

Like any bioactive drug of natural origin, the root of chicory has contraindications. It can not be used by people with varicose veins and hemorrhoids. With gastritis, the drink should be taken with a doctor. Some people have an individual intolerance to chicory. Children under 2 years of age are also not eligible for a drink.