Ginger tincture - an ancient Tibetan recipe

Ginger - spice with unique properties used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. Followers of a healthy lifestyle with gusto and health benefits take ginger tea, decoctions and infusions. We offer you to get acquainted with the ancient recipe of Tibetan ginger tincture, which is now very popular all over the world.

Therapeutic properties of Tibetan tincture

Ginger, infused with alcohol or vodka, has pronounced healing qualities. According to Tibetan medicine, ginger helps in the treatment of bile diseases. Places of damage in this case, according to the views of the Tibetans, are blood, liver, intestines, gall bladder, eyes.

Modern studies have shown that tincture has the following effects on the body:

In addition, ginger tincture is considered an effective analgesic. Therapeutic composition relieves painful sensations in osteochondrosis, dental, head, musculo-articular pain. Since ancient times, ginger is considered an effective aphrodisiac , and now the root is recommended for the treatment of female infertility and impotence in men.

Tibetan recipe for ginger tincture

The recipe for the preparation of Tibetan tincture of ginger is not complicated, and all the ingredients of the wonderful elixir are quite accessible.



The roots of ginger wash, peeled, burned with boiling water, cut into plates. Grind pieces of ginger root in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is folded into a glass jar, pour vodka, tightly closed with a lid. The tincture is aged for two weeks at room temperature. Mix the compound daily. At the last stage of preparation, tincture is filtered, honey and squeezed lemon juice are added to the received liquid.


Take tincture of ginger on a Tibetan prescription is recommended in limited quantities: one teaspoon 2 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. In diseases of the upper respiratory tract, ginger tincture diluted in half with water is used to rinse the throat .