Cinquefoil white - contraindications

Cinquefoil white is a herbaceous perennial plant that has many unique healing properties. Apply this herb in the treatment of a huge number of diseases. But, despite this, lapchatka has contraindications, which should be taken seriously, as their non-compliance can cause unwanted reactions of the body.

Application of cotton ebony

The medicinal, as well as preventive, properties of the tin are that it improves the activity of the cardiovascular, immune and endocrine systems and the digestive tract. Has such a plant and antiseptic, as well as wound-healing properties, promotes the removal of toxins, toxins, and radiation from the body.

Indications for the use of taupe white are:

This herb helps to cope with high cholesterol, malfunctions in the menstrual cycle. The substances that make up the plant are absolutely non-toxic. That is, the white bloodstream has practically no side effects. The main thing - before applying, is to find out whether the patient has contraindications to its use, so that this plant really helped to cope with the disease, rather than exacerbating the state of the organism.

Contraindications for use

The main contraindications to the use of taupe white are that it should not be used in the treatment of diseases for those who suffer from low blood pressure (hypotension, hypothyroidism) and colitis with atonic constipation. In the first case, this is due to the fact that any medicinal infusions, decoctions or tinctures with this plant provoke an even greater decrease in it, and in the second - with the fact that the cobweb bit slows down the defecation, so constipation can worsen and the process of isolation can become painful.

It is not necessary to apply the root of the tamarin white in case of urolithiasis (contraindication is due to the fact that the plant can cause the movement of large stones that are stuck in the ureter and cause its inflammation).

It is not assigned to the white fingerling during pregnancy, as it provokes the appearance of menstruation, which can harm the fetus. Also, this herb can not be taken in any form by nursing mothers, since the fact of the possibility of transferring its substances to a baby with mother's milk (like their effect on a baby) has not been fully studied.

The tincture of taupe white has practically no contraindications, but in some cases it is better to refrain from treatment with it. This is a high prothrombin index and a thickening of the blood. Do not take the tincture under such conditions, because it can lead to a decrease in the permeability of the capillaries.

Also, do not use in the treatment of diseases of the carotene when:

Compliance with the dosage of the medicine

Drugs based on the root of the tentacle require not only compliance with contraindications, but also the dosage rules. Inside in the form of a decoction it should not be taken more than 4 times a day for 100 ml, and in the form of a tincture it is better not to exceed a dose of 120 drops per day. Serious consequences of excess will not cause, but the patient can in this case suffer from drowsiness and rapid fatigue.

If you take infusions, decoctions and tinctures for external use, for example, for lotions, applications and moist dressings, then there are no specific safety rules. Feel free to use any number of products based on tamback white.