Nails - medicinal properties and contraindications

Calendula or marigolds, besides decorative ones, also has medicinal properties, as well as contraindications. In the nails, in the first place, of course the therapeutic properties are appreciated. For this, only inflorescences are used, which are collected throughout the whole summer until October. Flowers of marigolds contain very valuable substances: carotenoids (due to this, the flowers have an orange color). In addition, the calendula petals contain hydrocarbons, bitterness, organic acids, proteins, saponin, ascorbic acid, vitamins and, finally, essential oil.

The healing properties of marigold flowers have been known for a long time. It is used in pharmacology, cosmetology, for the prevention of a number of diseases. Calendula is known as a magnificent antiseptic and wound-healing remedy. Inside use tincture of marigold colors for:

Useful properties of marigold colors are also used in the treatment of stomatitis , sore throat, acne, against hairiness of hair.

How to use marigold flowers?

For the correct preparation of tinctures from the herb of marigolds, the preservation of its medicinal properties, it must be remembered that it can not be boiled. When boiling, some substances are destroyed, and hence the curative effect decreases. Alcoholic infusion of calendula is prepared from 10 g of crushed marigold flowers and 100 ml of alcohol. Having insisted in a dark place during the day, it can be used externally, for the treatment of wounds, including purulent.

With skin lesions, burns, varicose tissue inflammation ointment based on the beneficial properties of marigold colors is good. It is prepared quite simply. Dirty flowers of marigolds are mixed with vaseline oil in a proportion of ½, are heated on a water bath and placed in a cold storage place.