The Right Lunch

Everyone knows that our health largely depends on proper nutrition, because in order to keep oneself in good shape you need not only to exercise physically, but also to eat healthy and healthy food. Today we will talk about what should be the right dinner, which will give us energy and will not affect the figure.

The Right Lunch for Weight Loss

To ensure that food consumed during lunch does not stay in the most prominent places and does not harm the body, it is necessary to adhere to some simple rules:

  1. Dinner should be tried at the same time, preferably in the interval between twelve and two o'clock in the afternoon.
  2. Caloric content of meals during lunch should be about 35% of the total calorie content of the entire daily diet.
  3. Try to ensure that the menu necessarily included fresh vegetables, because a proper lunch, aimed at losing weight, involves the use of healthy foods, rich in vitamins, fiber and other nutritional elements.
  4. Do not eat chips , hamburgers and other similar products that will harm your health and add you extra pounds.
  5. During the meal do not rush, the food should be thoroughly chewed.
  6. Do not eat in large portions.

In addition to the fact that you must follow the rules and culture of eating, you need to follow also what you eat. Let's consider several options for a proper nutrition menu during lunch:

  1. Light chicken soup, cabbage and carrot salad, seasoned with olive oil, a slice of rye bread, tea with lemon.
  2. Salad with seafood, mashed potatoes , steamed meat, steamed, tea, apple.
  3. Boiled beef, vegetable salad with olive oil, a slice of rye bread, fruit juice.
  4. Baked turkey meat, boiled rice, vegetable sliced, freshly squeezed orange juice.