Kizil - good and bad for the body

Dogwood is quite common in the southern regions, in the Caucasus, and does not occur in a temperate climate, and is therefore perceived as an exotic species. Buy it in the store can only be in the form of dried fruit , which has a pleasant sweet and sour taste with astringent notes. He is willingly bought as a basis for compotes and desserts, but not everyone thinks about the benefits and harms of dogwood for the body. But dieticians consider it a very valuable food culture.

Use dogwood for the body

First of all, it is worth noting the composition of the fruit, which determines the benefit and harm of the dogwood. It contains useful sugars - fructose and glucose, which have a beneficial effect on the immune and cardiovascular systems, optimize metabolic processes in cells. In addition, the dogwood contains a large amount of organic acids, including very valuable, which include apple, lemon and amber. They improve the composition of the blood, make the walls of the vessels elastic, regulate the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

Benefits of dogwood is that it contains pectin and various compounds with the properties of natural preservatives, as well as flavonoids and antioxidants. They help reduce the risk of heart disease, slow the aging process. In fruits, there are also many different vitamins and trace elements, which have a beneficial effect on different systems and the organism as a whole.

Harm to the dogwood

But it should be noted that in addition to health benefits and harm from dogwood, too, can be. It can increase the acidity of gastric juice, so patients with gastritis and stomach ulcers use it is not recommended. It can also cause constipation due to high fiber content. Dogwood is a natural energetic, therefore it is contraindicated at night, especially for people suffering from nervous disorders and insomnia .