Garlic - good and bad

Even small children know about the benefits of garlic, which parents often give it, if the child's immunity is weakened and he often gets sick, is susceptible to colds. Of course, this is correct, since garlic is known for its ability to conduct an effective fight against viruses and in favor of strengthening the body's immunity not only in children, but also in adults. This is the most well-known positive feature of garlic, and some of its beneficial properties some do not reflect, others do not know. As for the negative aspects of this vegetable, many people do not know anything about it. Just some people are repelled by bad breath, which appears after consuming garlic. However, garlic has a lot of negative sides and properties, which can cause serious harm to the body. That's why you should carefully study the benefits and harm of garlic, which, in practice, are inseparable from each other.

First, let's look at the detailed composition of garlic, which in itself will allow us to draw definite conclusions about its usefulness.

Benefits and harm of pickled garlic

There are many options for using garlic. One of the most common of these is pickling. Each hostess probably has her own unique garlic pickling recipe in the arsenal, since in this form the garlic becomes more pleasant to taste and does not keep the odor from mouth after eating. In addition, it is proved that after pickling, garlic retains all its useful properties and substances. This is its main advantage. Marinated garlic is widely used in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and also a preventive agent for various viral diseases and colds. In addition, pickled garlic helps the body to fight with atherosclerosis and scurvy. Pickled garlic is very useful for people with various heart diseases, as it expands blood vessels and has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system.

The harm of pickled garlic is determined only by the individual intolerance of the product.

The Benefits of Boiled Garlic

Very widely in cooking and in medicine, the use of garlic in cooked form is common. Of course, after the heat treatment of any vegetable, some useful properties are reduced, some are added. And garlic in cooked form loses a lot of its natural vitamins and minerals, in particular vitamin C , but after cooking in garlic, the so-called natural toxin - acylline, which destroys all bacteria and worms in the body, is activated. In the case of a boiled vegetable, we can talk about the benefits of garlic for the liver, which is a proven fact.

The benefits and harm of sucking garlic

As a preventive tool, this method of consuming garlic is known, as its sucking. Sucking garlic, the benefits and harm of which have been discussed more than once, is known since ancient times. For example, in ancient China, people with various diseases were prescribed to consume garlic in such a way that its pieces mingled with saliva. This method is widely used today in folk medicine. The cloves of garlic are cut and put under the tongue, and after a few minutes they must be run several times in the mouth together with saliva. If you perform this procedure every day before breakfast, your teeth will become strong, the bleeding of the gums will disappear. Only an unpleasant odor from the mouth will remain, which should be interrupted by chewing whole grains of wheat.