Do not eat after 6 - effect

It is very common opinion that if you stop eating after 6 pm, you can become slim and beautiful in a short time. Is this so, and how safe is it for health?

Why not eat after 6?

The phrase "not after 6 pm" has taken root since ancient times, when people had a completely different life schedule. If you last ate at 18.00, and then went to bed at 22.00 - this, of course, is an ideal option. But, as it is a pity, the majority of people in the modern world are compelled to lay down later - at the best it is closer to midnight. And this creates too much time period without eating, which gives unwanted effects to the body as a whole.

What is dangerous diet - do not eat after 6?

When you are not eating for a long time, and at the same time experiencing a real hunger, the body believes that the hard times have come. Because of this, in order to save energy and hold out until the next intake (which will be unknown when), the body slows down all metabolic processes.

When the next day you start eating as usual (or even more, after yesterday's famine), the body does not have time to change so quickly, and the metabolism remains slow. Because of this, all energy received with food is not wasted, and the body again puts fat on problem areas.

Moreover, a prolonged sense of hunger adversely affects the health of the digestive system and leads to the development of gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Effect and results of the diet "Do not eat after 6"

Due to the fact that in your diet one food intake became less, and at the same time the total caloric intake decreased by 350-450 units, weight loss can indeed occur. However, because of this you are in great danger of spoiling your health.

As a rule, this variant of nutrition does give results, but in order to protect your body and not to reduce metabolism, take the rule of drinking a glass of 1% kefir two to three hours before bedtime. This will save your stomach and not break the natural metabolism.

Do not forget that this is not the only way to adjust the weight. It is much more natural for a person to eat small portions 4-5 times a day at the same time, finishing the last meal 3-4 hours before bedtime. If you go to bed at midnight, it is appropriate to have dinner at about eight o'clock in the evening, and if you see the first dream only at one o'clock in the morning - that is, you can go up to 22.00.