Spinach is good

Spinach is the most useful kind of leafy vegetables, which is a direct relative of the known weed of the quinoa. The benefit of spinach is its rich biochemical composition at a very low calorie content.

Useful properties and contraindications to the use of spinach

The benefits and harm of spinach is determined by its composition. Green leaves of spinach have a record low calorie content, only 23 kcal per 100 g. This is due to the fact that it consists of water by more than 90%, practically does not contain fats. Spinach greens consist of 3% protein and 3.5% carbohydrates, it also includes mono-and disaccharides and a huge amount of vitamins and minerals.

The benefit of spinach for the body is difficult to overestimate, because 100 g of this vegetable contains:

  1. Vitamin C - 55 mg, which improves the work of almost all systems and organs, increases protective functions, stimulates the processes of assimilation of carbohydrates and cellular respiration.
  2. Vitamin A is 750 mcg, which is half the daily requirement for an adult. This substance slows down the aging of cells, activates metabolism, strengthens cell membranes, increases the protective level and participates in the formation of bone tissue.
  3. Choline B4 - 18 mg, this vitamin-like substance helps to strengthen cell membranes, lowers cholesterol and has a beneficial effect on the central and peripheral nervous system.
  4. The composition of spinach contains almost all the vitamins of group B, which participate in almost all metabolic processes of the body, respond to the state of muscle tissue, promote the qualitative assimilation of food, improve the condition of the skin and hair.
  5. Among the minerals included in spinach, the record holders are potassium (774 mg), magnesium (82 mg), phosphorus (83 mg), calcium (106 mg), sodium (24 mg), iron (13 mg), manganese (0.9 mg ) and other micro- and macro elements in a wide variety.

Spinach has a special advantage for women, since most of its constituents have antioxidant and regenerating effects, which slows down the aging process, improves metabolic processes, stimulating normalization of body weight.

Spinach is used in various forms - cheese, cooked, it is often frozen, while not losing its medicinal properties. As a drink for losing weight, freshly prepared spinach juice is often used as a means for purifying and improving the digestive system, as well as for stimulating and accelerating metabolism . Spinach juice has an undoubted benefit, but it can harm people with kidney disease, kidney stones, acute liver, duodenal ulcers, gall bladder and bile ducts. A high content of oxalic acid can provoke exacerbations of chronic diseases of these organs. Before consuming spinach juice, consult a doctor.