Ginkgo biloba - contraindications

The ginkgo biloba plant is a deciduous tree that sometimes reaches up to 30 meters in height and grows in East Asia. Ginkgo is one of the five best-selling medicinal plants in the world. Most of the useful substances are contained in the leaves of the plant, and they are amenable to processing - to produce 500 grams of useful raw materials, 30 kg of leaves are used, so the price of raw materials is quite high.

Features of the plant

Ginkgo leaves contain the following useful substances:

They have important useful properties and are used to treat:

With what drugs can not take ginkgo?

One of the main contraindications to taking ginkgo biloba grass is anticoagulant drugs. These substances, which by their action infringe on the activity of the blood coagulation system and stop the formation of thrombi. But how to determine such drugs? After all, the composition of drugs does not indicate which group includes substances. To do this, you need to know that most drugs that have a sodium or a root "parin" in the name contain anticoagulants. Also, the products based on ginkgo biloba will be harmful if applied together with:

Diseases not compatible with ginkgo

Among the contraindications to the reception of leaves of the tree of ginkgo biloba are diseases in which it is forbidden to use the plant in any form. Among such diseases, the following are noted:

As you know, these are diseases in which it is necessary to adhere to a diet, as the stomach and as a consequence the entire food system is very sensitive to what gets into the esophagus. Ginkgo has a strong effect, so complex stomach diseases can not adequately transfer its presence in the body.

Another disease that does not "make friends" with ginkgo is a violation of the blood circulation of the brain.

It is also not recommended to use plant-based preparations for the treatment of myocardial infarction and at low pressure.

Future mothers and women in the lactation period are strictly forbidden to take ginkgo in any form.

And the last contraindication is the individual intolerance of substances contained in the plant, which can cause an allergic reaction.