Holidays in Kenya

In Kenya , as in any country in the world, there are many interesting, fun holidays. They are divided into two groups: official and religious. The unifying features of all celebrations are fun, a sea of ​​colors, interesting traditions and, of course, a wide scope of tribal festivities. The peculiarity and extraordinary nature of the holidays in Kenya impresses absolutely all the guests of the country. You will certainly be very lucky if you visit at least one of them.

Official Holidays in Kenya

The official holiday in Kenya is a day off, a fun and busy day. As in the whole world, Kenya celebrates New Year, Christmas, Easter and Labor Day. But the traditions of these holidays are very different from, for example, European. These days, Kenyans like to dress in tribal clothes, sing and dance around the fire, and some representatives of different tribes generally prefer to spend such a grandiose holidays in the ocean. Among the main celebrations are:

These holidays are significantly different from others with their traditions and scope. They are recognized by absolutely all religious groups of the country.

Religious holidays

Every religious group in Kenya has a lot of its holidays. Some of them are more ambitious, and some pass quietly and calmly in the family circle. Basically, all religious holidays can not do without prayers, ritual dances and hymns, special rituals (burning bogey, sacrifice, etc.). Of all the religious holidays, the most interesting are the following:

  1. March 25 - Good Friday. A day that is accepted to begin with prayers and is conducted in a close family circle.
  2. March 28 - Watering Monday. On this day it is customary to water and plant plants in their gardens. End the holiday with swimming in the ocean and ritual dances.
  3. June 6 is the day of responsibility. This holiday was a reminder of the smaller brothers. Local residents should give maximum attention to pets. Slaughtering poultry this day is a terrible sin.
  4. September 11 is the feast of sacrifice. On this day it is customary to sacrifice an animal to the gods for the blessing, health and remission of sins.
  5. September is the Great Carnival of Mombasa . Carnival lasts for a month, it comes from all over the country. This event is perhaps the most vivid and positive among all the holidays in Kenya.
  6. December 26 is the day of gifts. Such a positive and kind holiday exists among the inhabitants of Kenya. On this day it is customary to give small symbolic presents to all relatives, acquaintances and friends. Gifts are chosen mainly with religious themes. For example, small self-made amulets from stones or feathers.