Nutrition during breastfeeding

When a loved one appears, a happy mother needs to carefully monitor what she eats. After all, all substances, useful or harmful, which are contained in the products, enter the milk. Therefore, the issue of proper nutrition during breastfeeding is very relevant. Not everyone is a fan of healthy food, but if you think about your baby, do not eat anything.

Why is the nursing mother needed to follow her menu?

To ensure that your diet during breastfeeding conforms to the accepted norms, it is necessary to understand that the products included in it should provide:

  1. Complete satisfaction of the physiological needs of the nursing mother in valuable and useful nutrients and energy.
  2. The receipt of additional portions of vitamins and trace elements, as well as the replenishment of the energy reserve, which ensures the production of milk with increased nutritional value in sufficient quantities.

If the baby is prone to colic, bloating or allergic rashes, the menu excludes dishes containing allergens and foods that contain substances that irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa. Therefore, in this case, the nutrition of a woman during breastfeeding involves the rejection of:

However, if you have tried a small amount of the above products and the baby does not have a negative reaction, they can be gradually introduced into the diet of the mother during breastfeeding.

How correctly to make the menu, if you feed the kid?

Do not think that if a baby was born, you will only eat breadcrumbs and boiled buckwheat. If the crumb feels well, spoil yourself with such deliciousness as:

Also, according to the recommendations of specialists, the mother's nutrition during breastfeeding is unthinkable without a lot of drinking: fruit drinks and compotes of various berries and dried fruits, tea from chamomile or linden, broth of wild rose, green tea - do not limit yourself to their use.

Mom's nutrition during breastfeeding, painted by month

In the first ten days after birth, you should be careful with your favorite delicacies and adhere to a strict diet. At this time, the newborn only adapts to life outside the mother's womb, so doctors recommend the following dietary regimen when breastfeeding:

  1. For breakfast and dinner, there is oatmeal, buckwheat, corn or wheat porridge.
  2. In the afternoon, limit yourself to lean soup with a slice of lean meat.
  3. You can season the food with unrefined vegetable or butter (not more than 15 g per day).
  4. Drink as much as possible pure water, compote or weak tea.

A couple of weeks after the appearance of the crumbs, it is already permissible to eat boiled or baked potatoes, gray or bran bread, low-fat sour milk, vegetables cooked, steamed or baked (cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, onion, zucchini, carrots).

From 3 months, add dishes such as raw seasonal fruits and vegetables, lean borsch with a minimum content of tomato, meat, berries and sour cream, not sour cream (not fatter than 15%). After reaching the baby for 6 months, try to try seafood, garlic and legumes.