How to improve the lactation of a nursing mother?

The question of how to improve lactation in a nursing mother and rationalize this process is quite common. It is with this problem that young mothers turn to the pediatrician. The main factors in the process of lactation are nutrition and day regimen.

Features of the diet of nursing

Before improving lactation and, accordingly, to increase the volume of breast milk, it is necessary to establish precisely the cause of why it is produced little by the glands. So, in the course of numerous and long-term observations it was found that nutrition has a direct effect on lactation.

For the period of breastfeeding, it is necessary to completely revise your diet. Caloric content of feeding in a nursing mother should be 700-1000 kcal. The daily ration of the nursing should include about 200 grams of meat, up to 1 liter of dairy products, 150-200 g of cottage cheese, 500 g of vegetables and 200-300 g of fruit. In this case, the volume of the daily liquid should be 2 liters.

Which foods are good for lactation?

Often, mom wonders about what improves lactation in nursing. There is an opinion that a liquid drunk by a woman when breastfeeding, directly affects the milk, increasing its volume. And indeed it is. However, it must be taken into account that with increasing milk production its composition is deteriorating, i.e. it becomes less fat and useful to the kid.

If we talk about what products improve lactation, then this is:

What herbs increase the volume of breast milk?

As you know, even today's medicine can not do without the use of medicinal plants. And this is no wonder, because Such agents are natural, which reduces the incidence of adverse reactions. Herbs that improve lactation are often used. These include thyme, dill, fennel, mint, nettle, thyme.

What medications can be used to increase lactation?

In cases where there is practically no breast milk, and the use of folk remedies has not produced results, the doctor prescribes preparations that improve lactation. These include Apilak, Laktogon, Mlokhin. These drugs, improving lactation, are applied in accordance with medical instructions.

Thus, lack of milk or its lack is quite a frequent and complex problem. Due to the fact that there are many reasons for its development, it requires an integrated approach to itself.