Prayer to Cyprian from witchcraft

Prayer to PriestMartyr Cyprian from witchcraft is one of the most reliable, proven ways to remove spoiling, evil eye , any negative energy effect. It can be read by both a professional and any ordinary person. For the best action, you need to stand in front of the icon, light a candle and repeat the full text of the prayer to St. Cyprian from witchcraft 40 times.

Kiprian's prayer for witchcraft is as follows:

"Holy holy martyr Cyprian, in the days and nights, at the hour when all the strength is being exercised against the glory of the One Living God, you, Saint Cyprian, pray for us sinners, saying to the Lord:" O Lord God, strong, holy, reigning forever, hear now the prayer of the slave (s) in the faith of your slave (a) your name, and for You, Lord, forgive her (him) all the heavenly host: thousands of angels and archangels, Seraphim and Cherubim, guardian angels. "

Lord! You know all the secrets in the heart of the slave (s) of your (her) name of the spouse (s) and her children (a) that they dared to do before your face,

Righteous Lord, willing to suffer for us sinners for the atonement of our sins, and enlightening us sinners by the majesty of your mercy, take away from us all evil and do not want to kill. Fall us sinners with the Love of Your Blameless Light and hear me, grieving mother (father) and wife (husband) about my erring children.

I come and ask the bright name of the martyr Cyprian about the lost children in my house and about all the Christians suffering from sorcery, witchcraft, the machinations of wicked devils and people of evil and flattery. Let your light prayer be read in the house over the sick from the ailment of your head: from the evil man, from the spell, from witchcraft, evil hatred, intimidation in darkness, on the road, from poisoning with malice, from drunkenness, from slander, from evil eye , deliberate killing. Let your holy prayer be your shield and salvation to the servants of God for their dwelling.

Lord One, Almighty and Omnipresent, command the wicked to leave the house in which I live the sinful (and) dwelling of my children. Put your hand to the Power, Light, Executed Grace to my dwelling and my children. The blessing of the Lord to this house, in which your prayer is blessed.

To those who scorch all evil with Your command, help me, O Lord, the mother (father), grieving for my children. Humble their pride, call for repentance and save the lost, as You called me a great sinner (ka). Conceive them, Lord, and call to repentance by the power of the Honest Life-Giving Cross.

By the command of the Lord let the evil deeds and my demonic dreams and my children be stopped, and may not stand before the prayer of Your holy holy martyr Cyprian. At the hour of morning prayer your holy and disappear the opposing forces of evil, which are set free from evil people and evil demons.

Save us, Lord, from all evil, diabolical obsession, sorcery and evil people. As the wax melts from the fire, so do all the evil tricks of the human race. In the name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity: Father and Son and Holy Spirit, may we be saved.

We glorify, O Lord, your Son Jesus Christ, on the right hand of the Father sitting, with the expectation of His coming and the Resurrection of the dead by the power of the Honorable Life-giving Cross of the Lord. In his name I conjure and drive away all wicked spirits and the eyes of evil people, distant and near. Cast out, O Lord, an evil man from my habitation. Save and save the slave (s) of yours, my wife (s) and my children from all evil evils of the evil and unclean spirit.

Lord abundantly beneficent, multiplying the richness of Job long-suffering, save me and my children and multiply the prosperity of living this one who has this light, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all the tribes of the earth worship, serve and glorify thousands of angels and archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim, the strength of all heavenly hosts .

I, sinful (name), hoping for the mercy of God, drive and overcome all the malice and wickedness of the devil. Let the man with malicious intent and the unclean spirit of deceit go away from me and from my children. By the prayer of the holy martyr Cyprian I drive, I prevail, and I destroy all the forces of evil from myself and my children. Disappear, the forces of evil, from these slaves of God by the power of the honest life-giving Cross of the Lord and all the powers of heaven, creating before the throne of God the power of the Lord, overwhelming the power of evil.

I raise this prayer to the One God and the invincible, through which all Christians, by the power of the Holy Trinity, through salvation, by the power of the Honorable Life-giving Cross, may I save the sinful (s).

I will be saved in the sea, on the road, in deep waters, in the passage in the mountains, in the grass from poisonous snakes, creeping reptiles, scorpions, eating fish, with bodily, eye, headache, in bed, loss of blood and any other disease by force Honest Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.

May the blessing of the Lord and His grace be at home, where the prayer to the holy martyr Cyprian lies.

I pray to Christ, who created heaven and earth, the sun and the moon, and the whole universe. I raise my prayer and His Most Pure Mother, the Queen of Heaven. Have mercy and save the slave (s) of your (his) (name) spouse (y) her (his) and their children. Let not the unclean power touch me and my children in the morning, in the daytime, in the evening or in the night.

I pray and ask the bright Zechariah - the Old Testament and the prophets: Hosea, Ilia, Micah, Malachi, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel, Amos, Samuel, Elisha, Jonah. I pray and ask the four Evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

And also Akim, Anna, Joseph the betrothed of the Virgin Mary, James the brother of the Lord, John the Merciful, Ignatius the God-bearer, the holy martyr Ananias, Roman, the sweetheart Ephraim the Syrian, Basil the Great, Gregory theologian, John Chrysostom, Nicholas the Miracle-Worker. The holy metropolitans: Peter, Alexis, Philip, Jonah and Germogen. Reverend: Anthony, Theodosius, Zosim Savvatia.

Reverend martyrs: Guria, Solomon, Barsanofia, Aviv. St. Sergius of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarov, miracle worker of Simeon the Stylite, Maxim the Martyr, Nikon the Patriarch of Antioch, Great Martyr Cyprian and his mother Iulitu.

Alexy-God's man, the Holy Myrrh-Bearers: Mary Magdalene, Mary Cleopas, Solomon. Holy wives, martyrs for Christ: Paraskeva, Euphrosyne, Ustin, Evdokia, Anastasia. The Great Martyrs: Varvara, Ekaterina, Marina. Anna-the prophetess and all the saints from the century to now in the earth shone.

The Blessed Virgin, Queen of Heaven, save from air troubles and demonic delusions in the dark, for I believe in the prayer of this holy martyr Cyprian. By the power of the life-giving Cross of the Lord and the Holy Trinity, let him destroy the evil and destroy all evils emanating from the evil heart and wickedness of evil spirit, and save us from Satan's networks praying everywhere with the prayers of the Most Pure Mother and Light heavenly forces of the incorporeal: Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Satavaila, Iguasil Varahael and the Guardian angel of mine. Let all the craftiness of the underworld be shamed by the fencing of the Honorable Life-giving Cross of the Lord, to the glory of the Lord our Almighty Jesus Christ, now, ever and ever and ever. Amen."

Prayer of St. Cyprian from witchcraft is very strong. You can just read it for water, and give it to someone who is under the influence of spoilage - and this will give results.