Sign of the Zodiac Leo - characteristic

Since the lion is the king of beasts, the person born under this sign has (as he believes) the full right to rule on all the world around him. Lions are the children of the sun, and in the characterization of the sign of the zodiac, Leo is covered with glitter and luxury.


Would it surprise you that the Lions in the zodiac often look like animal analogs? The appearance of the sign of the zodiac Leo is completely conditioned by the appearance of the king of beasts. They have a lion's mane, no matter what color hair, how thick, they will be thin or stiff. In any case, the hairstyle of the Lion, or the manner of correcting the hair, will remind you of a trip to the zoo. Moreover, if the Lion is a bald man, he will certainly grow a beard.

Usually Lions are short and strong. Wide chest, well developed muscles, and paw - they always have a short and wide brush. Lips - full, lower often bulging. And with age, many Lions have a tendency to fullness.


The character of the zodiac sign Leo is the best example of maximalism and egocentrism. Lions are always in the center of attention, and if not, they will sit sullenly in a corner, until everyone looks at him. Look for the Lion where it's crowded and noisy, for Leo is looking for an audience. Everything that surrounds it must be expensive and elegant, and the Lions turn into forty of fables - they cling to themselves just to shine.

Communication, probably, occupies an advanced position in the life of Leo. As we have said, he needs listeners. To each passer-by, Leo will explain what he is doing wrong, and how to proceed. In the description of the sign of the zodiac Leo it is said that it is for this reason that the representatives of the sign go to a doomed love in advance, for Leo does not seek a life partner, but an object for moralizing.

The lion always complains that he does not have enough strength and time for anything - continuous worries and worries about the whole world. But in fact, such complaints should only tempt you to tinker with them a little (it just requires it), and cares - this is the meaning of life for the Lion, the highest pleasure.


Zodiac sign Leo in love constantly requires attention: you must give him expensive gifts, compliments, admire and listen. And all this should be done with taste, The lion does not tolerate platitudes and platitudes. He attracts everything that is aristocratic, since Leo positions himself as a crowned person.

Women Lions are frigid, and men fall in love too easily. In general, this sign can not live without love, so you can not find single or unmarried Lions. Even in love, this sign must be dominant: they need to complain, ask for advice, be helpless. Lion Men often marry those who stand lower on the social ladder to take care of the object of love. And women-Lionesses, on the contrary, consider love to be a trump card, from which it is necessary to take as much advantage as possible. Therefore, they have a marriage of convenience.