Characteristics of the sign of the zodiac Cancer

The characteristic of this sign of the zodiac, like Cancer, traditionally begins with an indication of the sensitivity of these people. Even accidentally said word can deeply hurt them and for a long time not to go out of memory. They are prone to experiences and depressions, but often hide it somewhere deep inside themselves. However, Cancers have enough and a healthy sense of humor, but it does not always save them from the experience.

General description of the zodiac sign Cancer

Calmness in the lives of such people almost never happens. Their whole path is ups and downs, periods of depression and periods of active activity. However, this does not mean that Cancers do not like the calm: on the contrary, they are waiting for him to retire and rest from the upheavals. They are inclined to win by cunning, to take a tumble - and their tactics often work.

A hidden feature of such people is nobility and unselfishness. At heart they are just like that, but they do not show it very often, because they are afraid that others will start using them. Because of this from the outside they seem narcissistic and selfish. However, healthy egoism is not alien to them, besides, they like to be in the center of attention. Glory to Cancer will be taken for granted, the honor alone will be more important for such people than material rewarding.

These people are passionately in need of a quiet home life, which is their main, real life. With others, such people are mean, including feelings , but they do not regret anything for their relatives.

Cancers have a high level of intelligence and excellent memory, they are easily given the most difficult sciences and skills. However, all these are such people often use themselves to harm: for self-exclusion and self-flagellation.

These people tend to live in dreams, to think up for themselves that they only play with the outside world. This is their trouble. If they realized that everything is real, they would throw back memories and go forward, they would be happy people. Those who ever backs up, it is difficult.

Any full characteristic of the sign of the zodiac Cancer says that these people tend to hide from the "cruel" reality, which is actually the same as the rest. Only they are accustomed to consider themselves exceptional, capable of loving and suffering as much as no one else. But this is only an illusion.

Characteristics of women born under the sign of the zodiac "Cancer"

She is extremely erotic and attractive, strives for sensual pleasures, but with men is cold and unapproachable. She considers her desire to be weakness, and has become accustomed to concealing her weaknesses. All her efforts are aimed at looking independent and strong. When her passion captures, she can hide her for being rude. If the affinity still was, she avoids the partner, or becomes irritable and capricious. And only a tactful and patient person will be able to reveal all its potential. Such a woman strongly depends on external circumstances and almost always suffers from mood swings.

Characteristics of men born under the sign of the zodiac Cancer

This is a real Casanova, who always has offended and abandoned fans in the past. However, he is not able to sympathize with them, considering that this is their personal will. He is selfish, self-assured and a snob. He is easily able to turn a young and inexperienced girl's head, but she will soon get bored with him, and he will leave. In bed, he thinks only of himself and rarely gives pleasure to a woman, if she is not inclined to masochism. This person, unlike the Cancer woman, does not seek marriage, considering it a restriction of freedom. Usually his wife is an unhappy and unverified woman. But sometimes he himself does not mind to submit to an imperious woman.